
own awakening in a sentence

1) Tatum listened and shared her own spiritual awakening she had the evening she invested in jail.

2) President Obama eulogized Mandela late Thursday afternoon, describing how Mandela inspired his own political awakening.

awakening collocations
3) Tatum listened and shared her own non secular awakening she experienced the night she spent in jail.

4) Woven into the story of her own awakening are the stories of Hiroshima in the survivors' own words.

own awakening example sentences

5) He spontaneously initiated a process of self-enquiry that culminated, within a few minutes, in his own permanent awakening.

6) The Point of Buddhism is that we are responsible for achieving our own awakening and for freeing ourselves from suffering.

7) After experiencing my own Radical awakening with my teacher Papa-ji, some years ago, this Awareness has remained fairly stable.

8) But her own awakening psychic gift won't let her rest until she uncovers the truth about her family and her past.

9) Since these vehicles are only about one's own spiritual awakening and liberation, they are called the'small Vehicle'.

10) New York Knicks ... Including the New York Knicks, who've already dealt with their own rude awakening opposite the Heat.

11) For that reason it is not regarded as Shinui Tzura in the Tachton and Aviut, before the Ratzon awakens in it by the power of its own awakening, namely Behina Bet .

12) I have been using different formats to take people to their own personal Radical awakenings -- private sessions, small group meetings, day-long and weekend intensives.

13) We are all doing the best we can and with that comes the many experiences that can either propel us into our own awakening or keep us in the same pattern of thinking...either one has many risks.

14) Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Shakti Gawain, Dan Millman, Louise Hay, Richard Bach, and others express the effect the Seth Material had upon their own awakening.

example sentences with awakening

15) July 17 – Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, the Indian sage, at age 16, spontaneously initiates a process of self-enquiry that culminates within a few minutes in his own permanent awakening.

16) The senior Democrat Che Hongnian said "the current Chinese people have no faith in the 'two sessions' they rely on their own citizens' awakening against the CCP's totalitarian regime.

17) In the cosmic unfolding of grace here on this planet, then you have decided to allow your own conscious decision to be more advanced than most humans in your own awakening within.

18) Causes, or conditions, are connected with effects in the law of dependent arising (paticcasamuppada), which is at the center of the Buddha's own awakening.

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