
only awaken in a sentence

1) They laid down and were awakened only by the heat of the Sun.

2) Parents and students alike were disinterested, awakening only when their "chosen" performed.

awaken collocations
3) Interest in ideas is mainly sustained by organizations, but organizations only awaken interest from without.

4) Apparently the giant will awaken only if a specific musical instrument is played near the hill.

only awaken example sentences

5) It is surely true that occasionally interest is awakened only after individuals have been coerced into doing something.

6) One by one, a Highness Duke awakens only to be killed by the Gaorangers.

7) These jinn live dormant in a volcano, awakening only when the volcano is about to erupt.

8) They were not being indoctrinated by propaganda, only awakened to a clearer perception of the implications of their position.

9) C. Don't Discuss the connection Your previous relationship is dead and gone and discussing it'll achieve only awaken bad feelings.

10) Those who are asleep will be awakened only after he has taken full possession, after his work of destruction has progressed.

11) But since yesterday, I have awakened only to a nightmare - the nightmare of life without you, and this I cannot bear.

12) It was such a great catastrophe that shocked the whole Ummah, to the extent that it not only awakened many Muslims, but some of the Bani-Omayyah were also impressed by the tragedy of Karbala.

13) The outer self cannot see back through that veil, cannot recall the contents of the dream, because it never had the dream and was only awakened when the physical body needed to move.

14) And in that way is the soul not only awakened from death - that is to say, unawareness of its existence - but becomes aware of, and is the owner of, immortality.

example sentences with awaken

15) He awakens only to find that he has lost most of his original abilities, and trains for long months to regain them, eventually even surpassing his previous level of power.

16) The visit "not only awakened in us, the Polish people, the hope of change but above all freed our will to take action," he wrote.

17) It's the season of miracles and passion–when love not only awakens the senses but delivers the greatest gift of all . . .

18) The sorrow of jealousy keeps such vigilant watch in those that are beset by it, that very often it not only awakens them from sleep, but drives away altogether the refreshment of slumber.

19) Time no longer exists; and eons are no more than instants for the sleepers; and they awaken only at the hour of Vulthoom's awakening."

20) " Consumers are able to enjoy a delicious and healthy drink that not only awakens and refreshes you, but also a provides long-term health benefit as well.

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