
offer apprenticeship in a sentence

1) He was immediately offered an apprenticeship and a part-time job.

apprenticeship collocations
2) Classroom education will be supplemented with internships and apprenticeships offered through business partners.

3) Sadly, we have informed eight players they are not being offered an apprenticeship .

offer apprenticeship example sentences

4) The Liberal Democrats are now campaigning to double the number of apprenticeships being offered .

5) There are distinct differences in artisan apprenticeships offered to women and men, as well.

6) There is a further education training centre in the town and several firms offer modern apprenticeships .

7) In the 1970s, she also began to offer informal apprenticeships in her own studio.

8) Too few firms believe in accepting the obligations and investment that come with offering a genuine apprenticeship .

9) Many of these smaller companies are without the capacity and capability to offer apprenticeships or graduate training programmes.

10) The government wants to encourage the private sector to offer more apprenticeships - which are currently in short supply .

11) However some senior schools do offer school-based apprenticeships and traineeships for students in years 10, 11 and 12.

12) Soon after, Charlene is offered an apprenticeship by Rob Lewis (Ernie Bourne) at his garage.

13) Argyle have announced that 9 members of the academy have been offered two year apprenticeships with the club, with 8 being let go.

14) Saunders was impressed when he watched Dicks play and he was offered a footballing apprenticeship with Birmingham City in 1982 when Dicks turned 14.

15) Bruce was offered an apprenticeship and went on to play more than 200 games for the club before joining Norwich City in 1984.

example sentences with offer apprenticeship

16) It is hoped those completing their training will be offered full apprenticeships with companies or go on to take an NVQ Level 3 apprenticeship at the college .

17) " apprenticeships offered by USMAP in cooperation with the U.S. Navy include:

18) 'We have some plucky and brave types and we're working with the YMCA to offer apprenticeships .

19) This does mean more apprenticeship places are needed and the focus should remain on quality of the apprenticeship offered by employers."

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