
odd assortment in a sentence

1) The DVD contains an odd assortment of extras.

2) The Click DVD features an odd assortment of extras.

assortment collocations
3) Under this roof you can find the oddest assortment of equipment.

4) What could possibly connect such an odd assortment of people, groups and objects?

odd assortment example sentences

5) The Serenity's crew is an odd assortment of characters each aboard for their own reasons.

6) An odd assortment of Hollywood memorabilia owned by iconic actress Marlene Dietrich has gone up for auction.

7) Hi, my name is Jim Macdonald, and I have an odd assortment of interests.

8) Picking up such odd assortments of passengers and secret cargo soon became routine for "Narwhal".

9) General Condition of Collection: All contents good except newspaper special editions and odd assortment of clippings.

10) FPSes and an odd assortment of other games allow avatar (s) to change equipment during combat.

11) We checked out her clothes and found an odd assortment of things, including some very frilly blouses.

12) After struggling with her composure for a moment, Paige began gathering up the odd assortment of utensils they had used.

13) At a basic level, their exchanges are those of an odd assortment of grumpy, middle-aged men bickering about office politics.

14) Why not proper nested lists instead of an odd assortment of unrelated headings, divs and paragraphs (to contain a stack of a hrefs)?

example sentences with assortment

15) But, much of the time, an odd assortment of both, along with lipoproteins, fatty acids, fibrous scar tissue, and blood clump together.

16) Duets (1993) A set of vocal duets between Elton and an odd assortment of 15 famous singers - several of them out of the closet - that adds up to an artistic disaster.

17) Merchant (starting class): Wisdom goes up, but most stats go down, and an odd assortment of skills are learned.

18) At some point the height of the weir beneath had been raised using an odd assortment of re-used stonework; this would have increased the depth and extent of the waters behind it.

19) The aircraft utilized to support the covert war were an odd assortment of vintage propeller-driven attack aircraft, high performance jet fighter-bombers, and World War II-era cargo airplanes.

20) Subsequently, the headquarters was in a rather odd assortment of ships; the "Augusta" (CA-31), then the old wooden ship "Constellation", "Vixen" (PG-53), and then "Pocono" (AGC-16).

21) There's also an odd assortment of drums and stringed instruments - a couple of electric guitars, a bass, a mandolin - lying about.

22) Mad perhaps, but it was as if a part of Mark could be preserved while she stayed with this odd assortment of people.

23) I will be very surprised if my experience in either Korea or Japan aligns at all with the content of this odd assortment of books, but I certainly had fun reading them.

24) She grew up in Tuttle, Oklahoma, and now lives in Edmond with her husband Mike, son Joseph, daughter Allyn, and an odd assortment of dogs, cats, fish, and just one turtle.

25) They often forced the natives to wear sacklike coverings, but odd assortments of discarded clothing from the Continent were also given to them.

26) On 7 December 1988, al-Megrahi was alleged to have called at the Sliema boutique and bought the odd assortment of clothes that were used to wrap around the radio bomb.

27) Indeed, your child may surprise you by suddenly appearing fully dressed one day, in an odd assortment of clothes, when you hadn't even realised she was capable of it.

28) an odd assortment of patterns, colors, or events

29) " Zawisza thought the book was "slow and choppy", the characters an " odd assortment", and not worth the price of the next issue.

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