
obtain asylum in a sentence

1) He left Japan a year later after obtaining asylum in Iceland.

2) After the sentencing Beji fled to France where he obtained asylum last June.

asylum collocations
3) He obtained political asylum in the Dominican Republic and later in Mexico).

4) It responded to restrictive federal immigration policies that made obtaining asylum difficult for Central Americans.

obtain asylum example sentences

5) Because of intervention by Kahlo and Rivera, Russian Leon Trotsky obtained asylum in Mexico.

6) With the help of Catholic Charities, they applied to the State Department and obtained political asylum.

7) Following the rebellion's defeat, Begum Hazrat Mahal and other rebel leaders obtained asylum in Nepal.

8) Britain deported to Afghanistan a group of forty-seven Afghans who failed to obtain political asylum in the UK.

9) Two years later, mutineers took control of the ship and sailed her to Montevideo where they obtained asylum.

10) The Russian Federation's Law on Refugees defines who is a refugee for purposes of obtaining asylum in the country.

11) After the end of the Second World War, al-Husseini attempted to obtain asylum in Switzerland but his request was refused.

12) Litvinenko had obtained political asylum in Great Britain, and was an outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin and the Russian security services.

13) Meanwhile, on the approach of the Munster forces, King Sitriuc had fled northward hoping to obtain asylum among the Ulstermen.

14) Conversely, he was attacked and censored in Poland when, in 1951, he defected and obtained political asylum in France.

example sentences with asylum

15) The respondent notes that he initiated a proceeding to obtain asylum, appeared at his asylum interview and his first removal hearing, and had no motive to miss any hearings.

16) Having reportedly failed in attempts to obtain political asylum in the USA and UK, he had accepted a teaching post at a nuclear institute in Libya.

17) In 2004 he obtained political asylum and moved to Toronto, Canada, supposedly with the help of the owner of the hotel he was staying in Manhattan, a Mehmet Ă–zbay from Urfa.

18) The individual seeking asylum must satisfy the requirements set forth in the definition of "refugee" in order to obtain asylum in Russia.

19) She spent the next year and a half in various prisons throughout the Eastern United States while her legal team attempted to obtain asylum for her.

20) In 1992 Ali sought and obtained political asylum in the Netherlands; her misleading application was later the subject of a political controversy.

21) In his effort to obtain political asylum, he told the Canadian authorities a false story about having been subjected to Algerian abuse and torture.

22) He criticized Snowden, who has obtained temporary asylum in Russia, and called on him to return to face felony charges for leaking classified information.

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