
now awaken in a sentence

1) Eddie now awakens in a room with several doors.

2) Asleep for so many incarnations, it is now awakened.

awaken collocations
3) What matter if it awakened now ?

4) awakened now, he settles down.

now awaken example sentences

5) Beautiful scenery, simple rustic region, now awakening to its new-found fame.

6) Was its cancellation just a bad dream, from which the show is now awakening?

7) Humanity is now awakening to all kinds of clairvoyants, eastern shamanic theories, and charlatans.

8) It is now awakening (with a jolt) from that deep commercial slumber and making up time.

9) Returning to U-Mos, she finds that the Luminoth were in a frozen state but have now awakened.

10) His fleeing figure is seen by Arnalta and the now awakened Poppea, who believe that he is Drusilla.

11) Grant me the remembrance and the mystic presence of all those whom the light is now awakening to the new day.

12) Prayer as a Bridge of Light July 14, 2008 Arise and awaken now, dearest souls, for the new light arriving to Earth is opening new pathways of possibility.

13) As we have evolved through history, we have forgotten the message, but many are awakening now and hearing the call to move to a higher spiritual purpose.

14) Chromatus, now awakened with the blood of the murdered Arygos, joined in the battle, and cut a swathe of destruction through the blues.

example sentences with awaken

15) Soon, Nick and Sharon are engaged; but their wedding is interrupted by a now awakened Phyllis (Gina Tognoni), who walks in and collapses.

16) Potentials now awaken as Slayers when they reach suitable maturation; for instance, the Slayer Soledad was awakened on her sixteenth birthday.

17) Herr Busch may think that his mission is cleverly accomplished but the mighty Russian Bear has now awakened to the possibilities of controlling the great oil wealth of the Arab world.

18) It's as though a person should reach Ein Sof every time, in that quality that now awakens in him, even though he doesn't transcend in degrees of the worlds.

19) As animals that hibernate, the "bears" that roam Prince Rupert's "lawn" are an apt symbol of this once sleeping but now awakened force of nature.

20) Barbara was now awakened, and could come with her to a prayer meeting of the

21) However, the Necrons now awaken, and butcher the remaining forces of the Ork/Chaos alliance.

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