
not really aware in a sentence

1) I was not really aware of myself.

2) Slowly I was coming out but I wasn't really aware of it.

aware collocations
3) It's a radical one that most people are not really aware of.

4) They weren't really aware .

not really aware example sentences

5) I wasn't really aware of who he was, he was just a kind of mate.

6) Don and I were only 10 and not really aware of the seriousness of ' the war.

7) I'm not really aware of any other rock band that have had so many rumours written about them.

8) We are not really aware of how we draw on visual clues in our interpretation of what we hear.

9) Most people today are not really aware of that, but are interested in meditation to gain release from stress.

10) And it is very alarming to know that most people are not really aware that they actually experience dry mouth.

11) Computer software has become an integral part of people's lives although many people are still not really aware of it.

12) I suspect that the government are not really aware of how THEY have been exploited for educational and personal developmental ends .

13) In a space illuminated by a tubular skylight, you're not really aware that it's sunlight providing the light.

14) Figure out your selling costs most sellers aren't really aware of how expensive it can be to sell a home.

example sentences with aware

15) A sitemap, for those who aren't really aware of it, is a list of URLs a crawler should visit.

16) It's amazing how folks like Peter Rempel can talk this way about Native people, not really aware of the issues.

17) Plodding away on the ground with our instruments and synoptic charts, we were not really aware of the significance and desperation of the events taking place in the skies over western Europe.

18) This shows that he is not really aware of the shape relationship at all, but just remembers or 'has a feeling' that it ought to go there.

19) What is really remarkable about about 2012 – end times prophesy is that people are not really aware of the whole significance of what is going on in our would today.

20) That is one of the things that Randy gathers around him, so you are not really aware of acting but just storytelling.

21) I never personally watch MTV or really much TV at all so wasn't really aware of all the imagery that was being used.

22) He notes that the OED seems to include with c3 a veridicality requirement the claim is that if a man is aware of a bush, but thinks it is a rabbit, he is not really aware of the bush.

23) I was thinking, maybe he just didn't realize what he had done, or maybe he wasn't really aware of how much he'd actually hurt me.

24) In the woman's character, as in the poem's form, one is not really aware that the boundaries are even there.

25) Regarding being onstage, Gane has said that "I don't like to be the center of attention ... I just get into the music and am not really aware of the people there.

26) The benefits are what convince people that your product will solve their problem, even if they weren't really aware they had a problem before that point.

27) Jeff said: "Cain isn't really aware of it, as he's got so much going on with Belle's situation.

28) In The Color Purple, Celie is not really aware that she is poor, simply because she knows no other lifestyle apart from the one she is accustomed to or the wealthier white people's.

29) The genocidal US " downwind" experiments, and the Tuskegee experiments, or Andrew Jackson's "trail of tears"....I'm not really aware of what went on before the events.

30) The Victorians built their railways on that basis, not really aware of the huge impact they would have or, indeed, whether they would ever pay for themselves.

31) I suspect these children are not really aware of how they are being exploited for political ends, and this charade is a new low for 'Balance' and Colin Shevills to sink to.

32) Ricardo: I think you may well be right... though I wasn't really aware of this when I was writing it.

33) When you c when you're going up the hills, they're long gradients, you're not really aware of them.

34) Aindow added: 'I was shook up like I wasn't really aware of what was happening.'

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