
naively assume in a sentence

1) He was not just naively assuming that more is better.

2) Growing up, I naively assumed being Catholic meant you were a Republican.

assume collocations
3) The interim later confessed he naively assumed Herman would be announcing a reception welcoming him.

4) I naively assumed that you 'd actually read the paper whose results you're critiquing.

naively assume example sentences

5) I have always naively assumed that gambling with other people's money was part and parcel of capitalism.

6) Madame LaMotte in "The Romance of the Forest" – naively assumes that her husband is having an affair with Adeline.

7) When I began graduate study in political science during the mid-1970s, I naively assumed that most black politicians were committed to bettering the lives of the least fortunate among us.

8) For a while, they naively assumed that Santa should be sending viagra and his bank details to relatives of the President of Nigeria, but eventually they twigged that odd things were afoot.

9) Charismatics who naively assume that healings vindicate truth are overlooking the fact that almost every major religion and cult the world has ever known has produced healings.

10) Knowing nothing, I naively assumed that I could grow anything that took my fancy: a few camellias, acacias, lots of rhododendrons, an embothrium or two.

11) There are thousands of people who naively assumed the City would lower or keep their assessed values the same because the economy is still on shaky ground.

12) Based on a legend of the temple, it has been assumed naively that the Honmyōji copy was given to Katō Kiyomasa, the ruler of Kumamoto, by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in preparation for the Korean campaigns.

13) When Andy invited me to the launch of the The Gadget Shop I naively assumed it would be in the shop itself, in Covent Garden.

14) I knew that both picture books and bookshops came in all shapes and sizes, but I naively assumed we'd simply conquer that hurdle with some stunning innovative design.

example sentences with assume

15) She is drawn to the challenge of helping such an unusual client, and naively assumes that their doctor-patient relationship will not affect her personal life in any way.

16) For example, people may include spurious metadata into Web pages in an attempt to mislead Semantic Web engines that naively assume the metadata's veracity.

17) It might be naively assumed that these variations in expenditure reflect the varying patterns of need for health care illustrated by the population.

18) Because of his endless string of performances in indie comedies, I naively assumed that Karpovsky wrote and directed Rubberneck as some sort of deeply twisted humor of excruciation.

19) Schweitzer was engaged for two lectures–the 1949 convocation speech at the University and another talk in Aspen, which he naively assumed was a suburb of Chicago.

20) He had naively assumed that the Concorde ticket he had seen on her desk had been one she had gone out and bought in order to join him in New York.

21) So, when people naively assume we are on 'an extended holiday' I wonder if their idea of a holiday involves quite such a hectic schedule.

22) "I don't see why taking into account the range of possible futures costs us money, compared to naively assuming the best-case scenario."

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