
move to area in a sentence

1) Did the people move to areas with lower taxes?

area collocations
2) Protesters move to areas around Ä°stiklal Street and clash with police.

3) During this time, they move to areas with higher prey concentration.

move to area example sentences

4) Even fire brigade refused to move to areas where cases of arson were reported.

5) You slide down the social classes and you move to areas like Hackney.

6) Many people moved to areas in which the war's ravages were less harsh.

7) As plants mature and dry, the grouse move to areas still supporting succulent vegetation.

8) After lunch we moved to area where the 260 foot deep shelf dropped off into deeper water.

9) A number move to areas of dense or tourist populations to work in the service industry.

10) Beginning in 1862 Northern abolitionists moved to areas in the South that had fallen under Union control.

11) However, wildfires become a problem when they begin to move to areas that are populated with people.

12) Nationals MP Kevin Hogan says forcing young unemployed people to move to areas of high employment is not practical.

13) Why should people be moved to areas away from friends and family and from their community network or work?

14) He says, over the years, many Detroit residents moved to areas outside the city or even left the state.

15) They may move to areas where few transgender resources exist, or accept an employment situation where nobody questions their gender identity.

example sentences with move to area

16) Water striders will move to areas of lower salt concentration, resulting in the mix of genes within brackish and freshwater bodies.

17) They can move to areas of greater food availability as the desert blooms after local rainfall and can fly to faraway waterholes.

18) She moved to area in 1975, and her first job was at a primary school in Middlesbrough where she taught music.

19) Historically, young people have moved to areas with greater opportunities and they don't need a government regulation to do so.

20) As part of their move to area attacks, on the night of 28 March a force dropped explosives and incendiaries on Lübeck, causing massive damage.

21) Others maintained their faith openly, and lived with the restrictions the state placed upon them, moving to areas where they were tolerated.

22) However, as late as 2010, illegal settlements, new and old, were being dislodged by police and military forces and moved to areas outside the conservation zones.

23) These included the settlements of Primero de Enero, Santa Cruz, Ocho de Octubre and San Isidro, with all moved to areas outside the Reserve.

24) For example, in plentiful years the population would occupy semi-arid regions, but in drought would move to areas with better resources.

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