modernist architecture in a sentence
1) Modernist architecture often viewed the flat roof as a living area.
architecture collocations
2) It is known for its well-preserved colonial Italian modernist architecture .
3) The consumption of modernist architecture as residential form is almost entirely through state allocation.
modernist architecture example sentences
4) In these years Post Modern architecture developed a critique of modernist architecture .5) The Sarasota School of architecture developed as a variant of mid-century modernist architecture .
6) Stark fascist era modernist architecture is less common than within Naples, but can be seen.
7) The residential tower block with its typical concrete construction are a familiar feature of modernist architecture .
8) This new synthesis created a completely original modernist architecture that is uniquely adapted to its environment.
9) As this was articulated through propaganda, modernist architecture became the visual expression for this radiant future.
10) The campus is also home to several examples of high modernist architecture designed by I. M. Pei.
11) He designed over 400 building projects and subdivisions, many of them iconic examples of modernist architecture .
12) The town hall, a fine example of modernist architecture , was designed by architect Henry Chomette.
13) A major event that enabled Finland to display its modernist architecture credentials was the Helsinki Olympic Games.
14) Architects like Jože PleÄnik, Ivan Vurnik and Vladimir Å ubic introduced modernist architecture to Slovenia.
15) He made a documentary for the BBC in 1979 on modernist architecture called "City of Towers".
example sentences with modernist architecture
16) Asmara has perhaps one of the most concentrated and intact assemblage of modernist architecture anywhere in the world.17) The MODERN U project sought to highlight the late modernist architecture exemplified by many of Carleton's early buildings.
18) Modernist architecture , starting with International style, sometimes rejects symmetry, relying on wings and balance of masses.
19) Even as it embraced nature, Wright's design also expresses his take on modernist architecture's rigid geometry.
20) The university is endowed with modernist architecture - the campus layout and buildings were designed by Israeli architect Arieh Sharon.
21) He ends up defending modernist architecture , and chastising the pseudo-vernacular architecture of housing, especially in the UK.
22) The death of Leonid Vesnin in 1933 coincided with the government's crackdown on independent art unions and modernist architecture .
23) The influences of early 20th century modernist architecture are today readily visible on the main campus grounds of the University.
24) With its wide, tree-lined boulevards and modernist architecture , Chandigarh was built as an alternative vision of post-independence India.
25) Modern architecture or modernist architecture is a term applied to an overarching movement, with its exact definition and scope varying widely.
26) This last statement points to a connection between the functionalist approach to music and modernist architecture , which goes deeper than acoustics.
27) Trento also sports modernist architecture , including the train station and the central post office, both by rationalist architect Angiolo Mazzoni.
28) The Japanese occupation blocked 20th century Western design movements, including Art Deco and modernist architecture , from reaching Colonial Korea.
How to use modernist architecture in a sentence
29) The North Galleries, which opened to the public in 1975, marked the arrival of modernist architecture at the National Gallery.30) It is well worth a visit just to see this icon of modernist architecture , which was designed specifically to showcase the modern art within.
31) This structure was a key work in the emerging "Philadelphia School" movement of architecture that focused on the concept of expressive modernist architecture .
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