
mob associate in a sentence

1) Victor came to Nikki's rescue after Bobby's mob associates kidnapped her.

2) However, a mob associate named Joseph Lanzi tipped the cops about the murder.

associate collocations
3) He would tell this story over and over again to his mob associates for amusement.

4) Unfortunately, Duke was killed by a rival mob associate, and died in Anna's arms.

mob associate example sentences

5) On September 18, 1992, he had dinner with a police informant and two other mob associates.

6) Sinito and mob associate, Joseph "Joey Loose" Iacobacci soon murdered one of Greene's associates.

7) He first worked under Bruno family made man Felix (Skinny Razor) DiTullio as a mob associate.

8) Cullotta also admitted Spilotro ordered him in 1979 to murder Las Vegas mob associate, Sherwin "Jerry" Lisner.

9) But only one of the seven trial defendants - an aging, peripheral mob associate from New Jersey - was acquitted outright.

10) The federal jury convicted underboss Joseph 'Mousie' Massimino and two others of racketeering, and convicted a mob associate of two loansharking counts.

11) One is a longtime mob associate, another is a custodian for the Stamford school system – the third is a Stamford restaurateur.

12) This made him stand out among the mob associates in Gravano's crew and made him the target of teasing due to his elderly appearance.

13) He was considered an "uncle" to Joseph D'Angelo Jr., the son of D'Angelo Sr., future Gambino crime family mob associate and informant.

14) His father Mackie was a close friend of Sammy Gravano and Gambino crime family mob associate who became indebted to loansharks and bookmakers including and Sammy Gravano.

example sentences with associate

15) The war between Salemme and a crew of renegade mobsters continued for several years, with murders of more mob associates piling up all over Massachusetts until 1996.

16) While Ruby and Candy decide to revise the club with a new classy act as a singing club, he begins to figure out what Maxwell and the mob associates are doing: planning a high-level assassination.

17) Two murders were that of Frank (Chickie) Narducci Sr. on January 7, 1982 and that of low level mob associate and Peter (Fat Pete) Casella's chauffeur and bodyguard Rocco Marinucci on March 15, 1982.

18) He is the uncle of Ralph Gigante Jr., the son and namesake of his brother, Ralph Sr. a recognized mob associate involved in labor racketeering.

19) A series of altercations with mob associates followed, one of which ended with Scibetta having his adversary arrested, earning Scibetta a reputation as a rat.

20) The day after Siegel's murder, David Berman and his Las Vegas mob associates walked into the Flamingo and took over operation of the hotel and casino.

21) Gotti would try to keep most of his family uninvolved with his life of crime, with the exception of his son John Angelo Gotti, commonly known as John Gotti Jr., who by 1982 was a mob associate.

22) The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre is the name given to the 1929 murder of six mob associates and a mechanic of the North Side Irish gang led by Bugs Moran during the Prohibition Era.

23) Hydell had been cooperating about the killing of a mob associate a year earlier during a wild Super Bowl party at a Bensonhurst social club.

24) Joseph Iannuzzi, Gambino crime family mob associate turned mob informant

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