
mental asylum in a sentence

1) He was detained in a mental asylum.

2) Finally he had her committed to a mental asylum.

asylum collocations
3) After this, Constantine was committed to a mental asylum.

4) mental asylums grew to assist in taking care of the mentally ill.

mental asylum example sentences

5) A marshal investigates the disappearence of a patient from a mental asylum.

6) When he was 14, his mother was committed to a mental asylum.

7) Uday had disappeared and Ragini landed up in a mental asylum.

8) Ranveer once again comes across some of the men from the mental asylum.

9) Isabella complains that there are only madmen and fools in the mental asylum.

10) He was committed to a mental asylum, but was discharged later that year.

11) In 1893, Dyer was discharged from her final committal at Wells mental asylum.

12) He would "sit out the war" in a mental asylum in Switzerland.

13) Eventually, the owner of the circus sells it to buy a mental asylum.

14) After numerous suicide attempts, Rafi was checked into a mental asylum along with Randy.

example sentences with asylum

15) At the same time, André Gill was committed to the Charenton mental asylum.

16) Public mental asylums were established in Britain after the passing of the 1808 County asylums Act.

17) As well as mass killing, political prisoners were sent to concentration camps and homosexuals to mental asylums.

18) Helpless, he testifies in court that Bani is insane, thus sending her to mental asylum.

19) They place her in St. Vincent's mental asylum for her murders; Dominique is her doctor.

20) In February 1897 the New York Times prematurely reported his death in a New York mental asylum.

21) This does mean though that Blanche has to be sacrificed and so Blanche is sent to a mental asylum.

22) Pia blackmails Jai, saying he can choose between Bani getting 5 years in mental asylum or life imprisonment.

23) Vitale was held in a mental asylum then released in June 1984; six-months later he was shot dead.

24) The men bring him to a mental asylum under the illusion that he is a man named Chetan Pujara.

25) He killed some boys who were harassing Alyssa, which led to Alyssa's stay in a mental asylum.

26) At the end of August, Mrs Armstrong was admitted to Barnwood, a private mental asylum near Gloucester.

27) In "Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich", she is mentioned as being locked in a mental asylum.

How to use asylum in a sentence

28) The English poet Christopher Smart (1722–1771) was confined to mental asylums from May 1757 until January 1763.

29) This incident was hushed up in the media, but Gaston spent the rest of his life in a mental asylum.

30) Ranveer further proves that Daljeet was the one who paid Bunty to capture him and keep him in the mental asylum.

31) It came into the possession of the state, who intended to repair it and use it as a mental asylum.

32) In 1927 she began almost twenty years of institutionalization in a mental asylum, however, and her death went without notice.

33) He was eventually transferred to the mental asylum within the prison walls and had no contact with his family for 21 years.

34) The news program is about extraordinary serial killer Young-Ho ( Jin Goo) who is under police escort to a mental asylum.

35) The Ansar Burney Trust has appointed 84 people in various jails and mental asylums to take care of mental patients and prisoners.

36) Bearer, who survived the fire, hid Kane in a mental asylum during the rest of Kane's youth into adulthood.

37) After being arrested for killing the worker, you use the excuse "I was trying to find robot parts to rebuild my friend, Max!", and are promptly thrown into a mental asylum.

38) Kerr, who had great trouble raising funds to start his mental asylum, was impressed by the financial acumen of the Chinese managers.

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