
mental aberration in a sentence

1) No explanation save mental aberration can cover the facts.

2) It was all just a moment's mental aberration !

3) Healthy, virile viewpoints, physical perversions, mental aberrations .

mental aberration example sentences

4) Psychistry was used to "correct" all forms of " mental aberration " - the populace is extremely docile.

5) By thus inviting the co-operation of the population as a whole in mental health programmes, the terrors of mental aberration can be disseminated throughout the populace.

6) Where it arises out of mental aberration (as an artist, I am by definition aberrant), it's psychopathological, an ongoing life's work of insanity.

7) As a result all that which tends to destroy or distort this musical ideal is truly a disease, a perversion, or at best a sort of mental aberration .

8) However, when the Doctor hears of Wozzeck's mental aberrations , he is delighted and congratulates himself on the success of his experiment.

9) As I wandered down the arts wing, feeling totally out of my element, I wondered what mental aberration had possessed me when I chose an art elective.

10) 'It was nothing more than a mental aberration on my part.'

11) 'A mental aberration ?''

12) preternatural excitement to prayer seems to have been poor Smart's only real mental aberration , unless his drunkenness be considered pathological.

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