
maternal aunt in a sentence

1) Baby Kochamma is the twins' maternal great aunt.

2) Her maternal aunt and paternal cousin both had it, and miscarried.

aunt collocations
3) The children were sent to their maternal aunt for further education and care.

4) Eleonora de' Medici, his maternal aunt, was his godmother.

maternal aunt example sentences

5) Madge Blake as Harriet Cooper: Dick Grayson's maternal aunt.

6) maternal aunt also is small chested.

7) He received his early schooling from his maternal aunt and had a flair for mathematics.

8) aunt Nancy (played by Tichina Arnold) - The brothers' maternal aunt.

9) After his school education, he moved over to Trivandrum and lived with his maternal aunt.

10) The young Connerly lived first with Bertha and James Louis, his maternal aunt and uncle.

11) I finished cards to all of my maternal aunts, I need to address envelopes u0026 mail them.

12) Joanna David and Tim Wylton appeared as the Gardiners, Elizabeth's maternal aunt and uncle.

13) Thus, čul, meaning ' maternal aunt', becomes čhul, 'your maternal aunt'.

14) Thus, čul, meaning 'maternal aunt', becomes čhul, 'your maternal aunt'.

example sentences with aunt

15) The name Bénédicte was added in honour of the girls maternal aunt, Benedicta, Duchess of Brunswick-Lüneburg.

16) After the council, Ramanamadathil Pilla meets Subadra, the granddaughter of Kudamon Pilla's maternal aunt.

17) Hayworth's maternal uncle, Vinton Hayworth, was married to Rogers's maternal aunt, Jean Owens.

18) Her maternal aunt, Princess Charlotte of Württemberg, was married to Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich of Russia.

19) Plisetskaya was taken in by her maternal aunt, ballerina Sulamith Messerer, until her mother was released in 1941.

20) As a child, Marshall was primarily raised by his three maternal aunts, while his parents toured in theatrical productions.

21) Al Blundetto's wife, Quintina, is Livia Soprano's sister and Tony Soprano's maternal aunt.

22) She would take her subsequent surname, "Siberry", from the family name of her maternal aunt and uncle.

23) Seventh in line were the grandsons of maternal uncles of the father and then grandsons of maternal aunts of the father.

24) Caroline was named after her maternal aunt, Caroline Lee Bouvier, and her maternal great-great-grandmother, Caroline Maslin Ewing.

25) She also resented any plans of her father to remarry, a situation shared by her maternal aunt, Pauline Rysdale.

26) Mimi had relatives in Eketahuna, New Zealand because her maternal aunt, Harriet Millward, had married and moved there.

27) She spent the winter of 1853-54 with her mother at the court of her maternal aunt in St Petersburg in Russia.

How to use aunt in a sentence

28) In later episodes, Franklin's maternal aunt and uncle who are married twin siblings and his maternal cousin will be introduced.

29) St Clair claims that Imlay was on her way to join her maternal aunts in Ireland when she decided to commit suicide.

30) At eighteen, Marie was adopted by her maternal aunt, who was married to the secretary-general of the Bank of France.

31) Sad news: Debbie Martin, Angelina Jolie's maternal aunt, died this Sunday after a nine-year battle with breast cancer.

32) Dorian discovers that the newly arrived Tony Harris (George Reinholt) is Victor's illegitimate son from Viki's maternal aunt.

33) Sharon and Tracey's maternal aunt, "Auntie Sylvie" (Vivian Pickles), is frequently mentioned and appears twice.

34) Elizabeth spent several days in Bayonne in November as guest of her maternal aunt, the Queen Dowager Maria Anna of Spain.

35) Nanda -- the Blessed One's brother, son of his maternal aunt -- told a large number of monks, "I don't enjoy leading the holy life, my friends.

36) After his mother died in the flu pandemic of 1919, he was brought up by a maternal aunt and later by a stepmother.

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