
mainly attributable in a sentence

1) The performance improvement is mainly attributable to optimization of administrative building operating practices.

2) This is mainly attributable to an increase in gain on sale of loans.

attributable collocations
3) This has been mainly attributable to its plethora of parks, gardens and tree filled streets.

4) This result is mainly attributable to long term unemployed people being unable to find paid work again.

mainly attributable example sentences

5) Cost differences between products are mainly attributable to the differing proportions of sequestrants as these are the most expensive components.

6) The greater stroke risk with antidepressant use was mainly attributable to patients who had one or two prescriptions in the previous year.

7) The increase is again mainly attributable to costs associated with opening the loan origination offices and costs associated with the disposition of OREO properties.

8) However, it is common ground that, the scientific consensus is that it cannot be established that the recession of snows on Mt Kilimanjaro is mainly attributable to human-induced climate change.

9) On the Super Tubes Hydrocoaster, three people sit on a raft, whose weight is mainly attributable to a large magnet on its underside.

10) This skewed distribution is mainly attributable to higher and more rapid drop out rates among the poor, rather than to a lack of initial access to schooling.

11) A select committee report concluded the company's losses were " mainly attributable to their own proceedings, characterised as they were in many respects by rashness and maladministration.

12) Our results for the financial year, although showing a deficit, are mainly attributable to two extra ordinary items which have been clearly identified in the introduction to the accounts (see p 15).

13) MAS' improved financial performance last year was mainly attributable to its route rationalization programme, which saw an overall 8% reduction in available seat kilometre (ASK).

14) The variations found in the different studies are mainly attributable to variations in non-invasive methods used for screening and the types of lesions that they can characterize (Ho et al., 2004).

example sentences with attributable

15) The only subgroup to show a decline was hardware and infrastructure, with a 20-per-cent drop, and that was mainly attributable to BlackBerry's shrinkage.

16) Of the four cases found in this period two had non-Hodgkin lymphomas, one Hodgkin's disease, and one a pineal tumour; the excess is mainly attributable to non-Hodgkin lymphomas.

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