
local authority in a sentence

1) The circular pushed local authorities towards change.

2) The local authorities calculate this tax annually.

authority collocations
3) There are too many local authorities and too many councillors.

4) Some local authorities have designated very few conservation areas.

local authority example sentences

5) local planning authorities are scored against these criteria.

6) All local authorities are starved of funding.

7) local authorities using video cameras determine their own controls.

8) local authorities owe certain duties to children generally.

9) Practice differed across local authorities relating to funded escorted travel.

10) local authorities regulate air pollution from smaller industrial processes.

11) The local authority completed nil houses in 1991.

12) Most local authorities already have such powers.

13) Such workshops were more loosely monitored by local authorities.

14) Police and local authorities were much less welcoming.

example sentences with authority

15) The excess ballast produced was sold to local authorities.

16) Some statutes impose fairly clear tasks for local authorities.

17) A pilot whale drive is always under supervision of local authorities.

18) The local authority are the current owners.

19) local authorities check that water entering rivers meets minimum standards.

20) The report proposed various simple preparedness techniques to local authorities.

21) For many local authorities the early 1980s were difficult years.

22) The local religious authorities opposed his ideas.

23) The report questioned 80 women in seven local authorities.

24) local authorities admit the pollution is severe.

25) local authorities listened and were generally responsive.

26) That should please teachers and local authorities.

27) local authorities were flooded with frantic phone calls .

How to use authority in a sentence

28) Some governments and local authorities are supporting greenproposals.

29) Residential accommodation provided by local authority social service departments.

30) The local authority was threatening possession proceedings against her.

31) local authorities understandably lack specialist information about coastal systems.

32) local authorities are creatures of central government.

33) There were nine different types of elected local authority.

34) The largest proportion of funds is received through local authorities.

35) This is particularly poignant in cost comparisons between local authorities.

36) Moreover, local occupational safety authorities may impose additional requirements.

37) The local civil authorities weren't pleased.

38) Health authority's costs against local authority.

39) A local authority derives its powers from statutory authority.

40) The project will empower local communities and local government authorities.

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