
livestock auction in a sentence

1) The auction mart regularly holds livestock auctions.

2) Local and regional livestock auctions and commodity markets facilitate trade in livestock.

auction collocations
3) In livestock auctions where sheep, cattle, pigs and other livestock are sold.

4) In 1975, a 4-H market livestock auction was established in southern Alaska.

livestock auction example sentences

5) He took a Lease of Towcester Town Square and held weekly livestock auctions.

6) The market moved to the shipper with the creation of local livestock auctions and feedlots.

7) Visit on a Thursday and enjoy the Kidron livestock auction just across the street.

8) Most horses are bought from livestock auctions and private sales by a middle man for a slaughter company.

9) Horse rescuer Marjorie Muirden and her two friends also attended the Sugarcreek livestock auction earlier this year .

10) He set up a booth at rodeos, county fairs, trade shows, saddle shops, and livestock auctions.

11) Today the market is leased and operated by Abergavenny Market Auctioneers Ltd, who hold regular livestock auctions on the site.

12) Weekly livestock auctions ceased many years ago, but the Stockyards continues to host special breed events and sales including Longhorn auctions.

13) If destruction does not fit your bill, it is always entertaining watching who will get the highest bid at the 4-H livestock auction at 7:30 pm.

14) And they link you to other parts of your world: the ranchers, the livestock auction, the feed store, the very long history of animals that work for a living.

example sentences with auction

15) As the years went on, we began getting in horses and mules from race tracks, court decisions, livestock auctions, and individuals.

16) The auction continues to be hosted today on the grounds of the Alaska State Fair and is one of several 4-H market livestock auctions during the fair season.

17) There are 20 PRCA rodeo performances held in conjunction with musical entertainment from country, rock 'n' roll and Latin artists, livestock auctions, carnival rides and retail outlets at the event.

18) Although most beef cattle in the United States are born onto pasture, at around six to nine months of age, nearly all these animals are sold at a livestock auction.

19) Producer's livestock auction is the nation's largest for sheep and lambs, and is among the top five in the nation for cattle auctions.

20) Agriculture doesn't play as prominent of a role as it did in the 20th century, with the only remaining viable agricultural market being the livestock auction.

21) The Coconino County Fair is held every September at the Fort Tuthill County Fairgrounds, featuring a demolition derby, livestock auction, carnival rides, and other activities.

22) Beef from the animals now flooding livestock auctions will start showing up in grocery stores in November and December, temporarily driving down meat prices.

23) In a bid to raise funds, the foundation is asking farmers to donate £1 for each animal or pen of animals sold through livestock auctions next week (starting September 6).

24) During the summer months I purchase small calves from the local livestock auction and keep them for four months to practice roping events in our arena.

25) (a) The name of the operator of the public livestock auction.

26) 1965, the first livestock auction was held to replace the Oakdale Fat Stock Sale.

27) (d) A description of the facilities to be used in conducting the public livestock auction.

28) If the application for a license to operate a public livestock auction is from a person who:

29) (b) The location of the establishment or premises where the public livestock auction is to be conducted.

30) "Operator of a public livestock auction" means any person holding, conducting or carrying on a public livestock auction.

31) "Operator of a public livestock auction" means any person holding, conducting or carrying on a public livestock auction.

32) Worked at a livestock auction where the "killers" bought horses for human consumption/slaughter houses in Canada and Mexico.

33) (e) The weekly or monthly sales day or days on which the applicant proposes to operate his public livestock auction.

34) "Through livestock projects with 4-H and Future Farmers of America, I raised sheep for the livestock auction when I was in high school, and even had a small breeding project," she said.

35) Oklahoma National Stockyards Company - original land housing the livestock auction as well as several meet packing plants, not an incorporated part of the City of Oklahoma City

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