
liver abscess in a sentence

1) Retinopathy does not occur with the usual dosage for amoebic liver abscess .

2) Eventually, the bacteria ends up in the liver, causing liver abscesses .

3) A amoebic liver abscess is a type of liver abscess caused by amebiasis.

liver abscess example sentences

4) A amoebic liver abscess is a type of liver abscess caused by amebiasis.

5) Till today, emetine remains one of the best drugs for treating amoebic liver abscess .

6) This nitroimidazole compound, like metronidazole, has shown a marked therapeutic response in amoebic liver abscess .

7) Adams29 in his analysis of 2,074 cases of liver abscess preferred metronidazole to other amoebicidal agents.

8) The cause of death was a liver abscess , although whether it was amoebic or bacterial is not clear.

9) In 1921, John used quinine hydrochloride, an alkaloid of cinchona in the treatment of amoebic liver abscess .

10) The oral dose of 400 mg. thrice daily for 5 days suffices for the treatment of amoebic liver abscess .

11) Liver damage Damage to the liver can be due to inflammation due to infective agents causing, for example, hepatitis and liver abscess .

12) The longest hospital stay was in a patient with an empyema associated with liver abscesses which required drainage until the abscess cavities resolved.

13) Zuberi and Ibrahim found tinidazole to be effective in 86.7% cases of intestinal amoebiasis and in 100% cases of amoebic liver abscess .

14) Intravenous metronidazole is a drug of choice for anaerobic infections Therefore it may be of extra advantage, if used in amoebic liver abscess .

15) Studies by Lazarachick et a revealed presence of anaerobic bacteroides in as many as 26% cases of amoebic liver abscess with so called 'sterile' pus.

use liver abscess in a sentence

16) A single oral dose of 2.5 G. metronidazole combined with closed aspiration has also produced dramatic response and cure in patients with amoebic liver abscess .

17) Chloroquine given alone is a safer drug than emetine in amoebic liver abscess , but unfortunately the relapse rate is almost 25%.

18) Rarely, when patients of amoebic liver abscess are vomiting, injection chloroquine can be used in a dose of 0.3–0.6 G. base in 24 hours not exceeding 0.9 G.).

19) The high concentration in the liver parenchyma and the lung allows the drug to act upon E. Histolytica in cases of amoebic liver abscess and pleuropulmonary amoebiasis.

20) In patients having myocardial disease or marked hypertension, emetine can be used for amoebic liver abscess , as the benefits from it may outweigh possible hazards.

21) In early 1910, Trenchard became seriously ill and after several months he returned home once again, this time with a liver abscess .

22) Weeks after the incident the lamb can still be affected by liver abscess and poor growth rate due to severe damage of the rumen.

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