
lighten the atmosphere in a sentence

1) There was no breeze to lighten the atmosphere.

2) I smile at her to lighten the atmosphere.

atmosphere collocations
3) He tried to lighten the atmosphere.

4) In a bid to lighten the atmosphere she was quite willing to poke fun at herself.

lighten the atmosphere example sentences

5) Sense of Humour You know that a great sense of humour reduces barriers and lightens the atmosphere especially during heavy periods.

6) However sympathetic a care assistant you are, a sense of humour keeps you from picking up someone else's stress - and of course it lightens the atmosphere.

7) the hardness of his tone produced an uncomfortable silence in the car, and Paul Devraux, sensing this, hastened to lighten the atmosphere.

8) When political discussions became tense, Dirksen would lighten the atmosphere by taking up his perennial campaign to have the marigold named the national flower.

9) It was the oldest trick in the book: lighten the atmosphere stir in a few laughs - and throw the fast ball.

10) 'Housekeeping on a grand scale,' she smiled, making an effort to lighten the atmosphere between them.

11) 'We have,' she agreed numbly, fishing around for something amazingly trivial to say that would lighten the atmosphere.

12) He steered the small boat through a jumble of miscellaneous craft, then, with what seemed to be a deliberate attempt to lighten the atmosphere, said,'so go ahead and ask me.'

13) 'Well - um - you're not so strange,' she attempted a joke to lighten the atmosphere, though owned, 'but you've got the general idea.'

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