
legitimate authority in a sentence

1) In another respect, however, he does not legitimate authority.

2) This was to resolve the legitimate authority of the denomination.

authority collocations
3) Also, a consensus of scientific opinion does carry some legitimate authority.

4) War can only be started and stopped by a legitimate authority.

legitimate authority example sentences

5) It will be remembered that the thesis is only about legitimate authority.

6) In the latter case, the laws have no legitimate authority over those citizens.

7) National leadership, with legitimate authority, binds local group interests into collective Japanese interests.

8) Pertinacity is determined by the public acknowledgement of the heresy by the legitimate authority.

9) It is therefore crucial for government to assert its legitimate authority and to enforce national laws.

10) Accepting legitimate authority (in the short term at least) is a good thing.

11) It is an account of authority relations between a legitimate authority and those subject to it.

12) Together the two theses present a comprehensive view of the nature and role of legitimate authority.

13) Both consider that Bligh was wholly justified in his actions because he was the legitimate authority.

14) For he will be a legitimate authority figure, as Caesar was in his time.

example sentences with authority

15) The texts assign penances for killing in wartime, even under the lawful command of legitimate authority.

16) It generally means to comply with an objective standard of good, a Law given by legitimate authority.

17) It means to believe that one has legitimate authority, or that that person has authority over one.

18) For Hobbes, legitimate authority derived only from an act of will by the person under an obligation.

19) The ability to command others and use legitimate authority without being overbearing, clumsy, oppressive, or harsh.

20) On 20 August 2011, the interim government of Tunisia recognised the NTC as Libya's legitimate authority.

21) Every human community needs a legitimate authority that preserves order and contributes to the realization of the common good.

22) On the downside, chaos can include recklessness, resentment toward legitimate authority, arbitrary actions, and irresponsibility.

23) It is an account of legitimate authority, whereas the phrase is often used to refer to de facto authorities.

24) In act 4, scene 6 his cynical view of humanity undermines all claims to legitimate authority by political figures.

25) He was interested in why individuals obeyed commands, and he identified three grounds on which legitimate authority could exist.

26) Defense of one's self or others could be a necessity, especially when authorized by a legitimate authority.

27) But naturally not even legitimate authorities always succeed, nor do they always try to live up to the ideal.

How to use authority in a sentence

28) Instead, Kurti got arrested for "disdain and contempt for all that represents the legitimate authority of Kosovo".

29) It was found that both men and women formed status beliefs that ascribed greater legitimate authority to individuals with greater resources.

30) To the extent that legitimate authorities have power over us, the pre-emption thesis governs our right attitude to them.

31) Weber went on to distinguish three types of legitimate authority: traditional authority, charismatic authority and 'legal authority'.

32) And does any change in ICEL's practices of the past three decades undermine the legitimate authority of bishops' conferences?

33) Part of the state's legitimate authority rested on this acknowledgement and it was built into its hegemonic structure and consensus.

34) Power is legitimate authority in that it is generally accepted as just and proper by members of society as a whole.

35) The resistance which legitimate authority has met with has had no strength, and crime has disappeared before the sword of justice.

36) The long tradition that regards consent as either the foundation or a foundation of legitimate authority displays two separate strands of thought.

37) Ours is an attempt to explain the notion of legitimate authority through describing what one might call an ideal exercise of authority.

38) For it has been characteristic of the saints to endure a great deal of persecution throughout history even from legitimate authority figures.

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