leading architect in a sentence
1) Alan Dunlop is a leading architect and a respected educator.
architect collocations
2) The design by leading architects DSDHA was imaginative and welcomed by CABE.
3) In 1986, the villagers of Vals hired leading architect Peter Zumthor.
leading architect example sentences
4) The homes were designed by leading architects of the day and some still survive.5) Once it was officially opened the leading architects and sculptors of the time contributed works.
6) Arata Isozaki is a world-renowned and one of the Japan's leading architects .
7) The buildings themselves, often paid for by local philanthropists, were commissioned from leading architects .
8) Architectural theory is taught in most architecture schools and is practiced by the world's leading architects .
9) Leading architect Liang Sicheng argued for protecting the wall as a landmark of the ancient capital.
10) Ernst Sagebiel a leading architect in air base design was put in charge of the building works.
11) Korolev is often compared to Wernher von Braun as the leading architect of the Space Race.
12) I see in the press that Ground Zero has caught up many of the worlds leading architects .
13) Raimondo Tommaso D'Aronco and Alexander Vallaury were the leading architects of the time.
14) The leading architects of the Early Renaissance or Quattrocento were Brunelleschi, Michelozzo and Alberti.
15) The capsule, designed by Mexico's leading architect , will be sealed until June 5, 2000.
example sentences with leading architect
16) He is recognized as the leading architect of independence, and the founder of the Union of Burma.17) Goodman brought in leading architects from Keppie Design to come up with a vision to complete the business park.
18) As well as being a powerful and influential theorist, Viollet-le-Duc was a leading architect whose genius lay in restoration.
19) Various architectural practices collaborated and some of the world's leading architects and designers have been involved in its creation.
20) Some AEI scholars are considered to be some of the leading architects of the second Bush administration's public policy.
21) In particular she focused on Arata Isozaki, renowned for being one of the world's leading architects and architectural thinker.
22) I had enjoyed meeting her brother Harold N. Semmens, one of Canada's leading architects , and appreciated his quiet and gentle manner.
23) These include a neoclassical room of carved and painted decorations designed by Claude-Nicolas Ledoux , the leading architect in late 18th century Paris.
24) TietoEnator is among the leading architects in building a more efficient information society and one of the largest IT services providers in Europe.
25) We have, I believe the most active Architecture Centre in Europe where it is not only a must but an honour for the world's leading architects to lecture or exhibit.
26) Leading architects displayed their best works, including GaudÃ, who showcased the building he had designed for the CompañÃa Trasatlántica (Transatlantic Company).
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