
largely abandon in a sentence

1) This view has since been largely abandoned .

2) Such a theory had been largely abandoned .

3) This procedure has been largely abandoned due to poor results.

largely abandon example sentences

4) The others were largely abandoned as major routes.

5) He largely abandoned research to focus on counseling.

6) However, this traditional division has been largely abandoned .

7) After the war the method was largely abandoned as impractical.

8) It was largely abandoned after much time and money were wasted.

9) Reformed teaching, however, largely abandoned it.

10) AD 500-750) and soon thereafter was largely abandoned .

11) Telegraph lines to unpopulated areas were largely abandoned .

12) By the 1480s it had been largely abandoned .

13) The microphone was abandoned largely because of its lack of stability.

14) By the mid-1920s, Chinatown was largely abandoned .

15) Laissez-faire ideology was largely abandoned during the Great Depression.

16) After the move, Charles Barns had largely abandoned writing.

17) The Lumbee have largely abandoned claims to Cherokee descent.

18) Since the 1970s, the old typology has been largely abandoned .

use largely abandon in a sentence

19) Families had largely abandoned catering services and resorted to restaurants for celebratory meals.

20) Electromagnetic isotope separation has been largely abandoned in favour of more effective methods.

21) No longer used by the sultan, the garden had been largely abandoned .

22) The final section between Coldwater and Port McNicoll is largely abandoned .

23) Carmine was not light-fast and was largely abandoned in art.

24) By the 1890s, the fort was in disrepair and largely abandoned .

25) The castle itself looks largely abandoned , but its dark dungeons holds a secret.

26) Many farmers are rediscovering the largely abandoned practices of crop rotation and manure spreading.

27) Upon entering Moscow, the Grande Armée found the city largely abandoned .

28) WWW::Facebook::API has been largely abandoned by its author.

How to use largely abandon in a sentence

29) Police close their Randolph command post and largely abandon their Cattaraugus County operations.

30) After the destruction of the bridge, Wards island was largely abandoned until 1840.

31) It remained largely abandoned with most of its infrastructure and buildings still in place.

32) However, they were largely abandoned in Tifinagh, Latin and Cyrillic.

33) Such missions were largely abandoned in the spring owing to shortages in aircraft and crews.

34) These two discoveries revived the field of connectionism which had been largely abandoned since 1970.

35) The idea of composing music that could be played at home has been largely abandoned .

36) The practice was decried by the May Fourth Movement and has been largely abandoned .

37) The telegraph lines that diverged from the railroad lines or significant population centers were largely abandoned .

38) The practice was largely abandoned in the 27th century due to advances in water purification.

39) It was then largely abandoned and became a source of stone for the surrounding settlements.

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