
large asteroid in a sentence

1) asteroid moons are asteroids that orbit larger asteroids.

2) The larger asteroids are sometimes called planetoids.

asteroid collocations
3) A large asteroid, measuring 124 km is named 381 Myrrha.

4) large asteroids are rarely a threat to the Earth.

large asteroid example sentences

5) For the larger more dangerous asteroids, a longer detection is possible.

6) An artist's illustration of a large asteroid headed for Earth.

7) The term "mountain" is an accurate term for a large asteroid.

8) large asteroid seen in Day Time in Australia.

9) That's a rather large asteroid.

10) Later, Luna and Artemis discover a large asteroid heading for earth.

11) There are also many very large asteroids, some having atmospheres and inhabitants.

12) Although they did not discover Ceres, they later found several large asteroids.

13) A large asteroid hurtles through space on a collision course with the Moon.

14) A larger asteroid collides with the L.M.S. Explorer and takes the shield down.

example sentences with asteroid

15) Larger asteroids are more rare.

16) Larger asteroids are less common.

17) Each level starts with a few large asteroids drifting in various directions on the screen.

18) The dominant theory today is that a large asteroid hit on Earth precipitated the mass extinction.

19) Astronomers believe they have pinpointed all large asteroids whose orbits bring them close to Earth .

20) This scene describes a large asteroid, the size of a mountain, hitting the sea.

21) The Canadian Space Agency mission will search for large asteroids near Earth and track space debris .

22) Is it possible that our planet might someday be struck by a large asteroid or comet?

23) The peanut-shaped, 20-mile-wide Eros is one of the largest near-Earth asteroids.

24) Ceres, the largest asteroid, will be found to have a very earthlike spin.

25) Most of them are thought to be fragments derived from catastrophic, past collisions between larger asteroids.

26) Ceres, the largest asteroid in our solar system, may have polar caps like Earth.

27) It can spin faster to reproduce the regolith (surface material) conditions for much larger asteroids.

How to use asteroid in a sentence

28) Perhaps surprisingly, astronomers are reasonably confident about catching really large asteroids before they get near the Earth.

29) Even if you converted a large mass asteroid to sand, it'd still do not-great things.

30) Another large asteroid collides with the L.M.S. Explorer and damages the signal dishes on top of it.

31) And the set of smaller asteroids will have the same effect on earth as the one large asteroid .

32) YU55 is approximately 400 m across, and is the largest asteroid to make a close pass since 1976.

33) The flyby marked the closest approach of such a large asteroid that astronomers had ever known about in advance.

34) Ceres (2.77 AU) is the largest asteroid, a protoplanet, and a dwarf planet.

35) Measurements of the rotation rates of large asteroids in the asteroid belt show that there is an upper limit.

36) Please note that with very large asteroids, gravity can become significant, thus reducing the usefulness of this data.

37) Eros is an S-type asteroid approximately 13 × 13 × 33 km in size, the second largest near-Earth asteroid.

38) About 500 may remain undiscovered. • The largest asteroid ever identified on an Earth-crossing orbit was spotted in July.

39) The Dawn mission is currently on its way to investigate Ceres and Vesta, two of the largest asteroids.

40) Scientists' analysis of the dust from Itokawa suggested that it had probably originally been part of a larger asteroid.

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