
large aggregation in a sentence

1) Many nests are clustered together in large aggregations .

aggregation collocations
2) Larger aggregations spawn earlier than smaller ones.

3) Instead of being found in large aggregations , scamp roam individually or in small groups.

large aggregation example sentences

4) The role of large aggregations of individuals for appreciable periods is probably of central importance here.

5) These layers in turn attract large aggregations of mobile zooplankton that internal bores subsequently push inshore.

6) Kleptoparasitism is most beneficial in procuring food during periods of food abundance and in large feeding aggregations .

7) Larger aggregations display high amounts of interactions and complex social structures, comparable to that of ungulates.

8) The large stationary aggregations break off as the fish move off to hunt in small groups or individually.

9) Large aggregations of crevalle jack form prior to spawning, with these schools containing upward of 1000 individuals.

10) Large aggregations are observed during the dry season, when hundreds of bohor reedbuck assemble near a river.

11) Off California, pelagic stingrays hunt large mating aggregations of squid that form from November to April.

12) During summer days, large aggregations of mature females assemble in shallow bays and estuaries, dispersing at night.

13) Some caterpillars are gregarious; large aggregations are believed to help in reducing the levels of parasitization and predation.

14) By contrast, capital consists of units of money and is thus a malleable entity, easily restructured into larger aggregations .

15) Large aggregations of cranes are important for safety when resting and also as places for young unmated birds to meet others.

example sentences with large aggregation

16) In the summer, several groups come together, forming larger aggregations which can contain from 500 to over 1000 individuals.

17) While only a few species breed in colonies , one finds wooden ducks outside the breeding season, often in large aggregations .

18) They may form large aggregations while sunning themselves in areas near their host plant (e.g. on rocks, shrubs, trees, and man-made structures).

19) Our Payment platform provides the largest aggregation of close to 90 payment methods in 180 countries, with complete fraud management and single customer support.

20) Colletes halophilus Verhoeff (Hymenoptera; Colletidae) is a short-tongued mining bee, which may nest in large aggregations (Westrich 1989 ).

21) Compared to barren-ground caribou or Alaskan caribou, boreal woodland caribou do not form large aggregations and are more dispersed particularly at calving time.

22) Species that breed on land are usually polygynous, as females gather in large aggregations and males are able to mate with them as well as defend them from rivals.

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