
land availability in a sentence

1) land availability is one of the main constraints on food production.

2) The land availability studies are an attempt to do precisely this.

availability collocations
3) land availability and procurement, and infrastructure development are the key issues.

4) The location of sites is often restricted due to planning issues and land availability.

land availability example sentences

5) land is a scarce resource in India and per capita land availability is low.

6) It will also gather and collate relevant data including land availability, topographical maps.

7) This is particular to the UK due to population density and limited land availability for exploration.

8) Limited land availability in the northeastern U.S. hampers crop farmers' access to enough space to lengthen rotations.

9) Considerable debate has taken place since 1980 (as well as before) on the adequacy of land availability.

10) In practice they have also assisted Welsh local authorities in land availability studies and with advice on land disposal for development.

11) We note it but we don't include it within the land availability figures in relation to erm policy I four.

12) So we needed a flexible, efficient design that could be tailored to the needs of each family's land availabilities.

13) The amount of manure composted on a livestock farm is often determined by cleaning schedules, land availability, and weather conditions.

14) The latest version of 'land availability' (SHLAA) shows HDC's view of what is 'developable'.

example sentences with availability

15) Councillor Gisela Jespersen (DA) said she found it "extremely irritating" that Eskom had not taken the issue of land availability into account.

16) Secondly as a member of the Swale Strategic Housing land availability Assessment Partnership Mr Sharpe would have been all too aware of this.

17) Since land prices, which are related to land availability, are, in general, rising it would seem likely that renting would increase.

18) Among other things, the forum discussed land availability for affordable housing delivery, housing construction financing, building code and improving foreclosure processes to enhance housing access.

19) Sensitivity analysis is underway to analyze the impact of changes in key parameters such as fuel prices, land availability, and post-harvest costs.

20) This information can be used by energy planners to predict the extent that wind energy can be developed based on land availability and public perception.

21) The traffic routing was not only influenced by the location of the already existing stations the line was supposed to connect, but also by land availability in the city centre.

22) These areas are coming up in 2012 due property prices in this area is still at reasonable rates due to land availability and its proximity to Hadapsar and Magarpatta city.

23) land availability can also constrain substitutability if the area of interest is delineated (i.e., the larger the area, the more suppliers of land, and the more substitution that is possible).

24) A site on the city's Northside was approved on August 10, 1958, due to land availability and parking space, the latter of which had been a problem at Forbes Field.

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