
lament absence in a sentence

1) He lamented the absence of tourists in London.

2) Rowena laments the absence of her lover, Ivanhoe.

3) Some reviews lamented Steinman's absence .

lament absence example sentences

4) Multiple critics lamented the absence of head-tracking in the Virtual Boy hardware.

5) As a friend and colleague, I will lament the absence of Facundo forever.

6) Part I. Magazine publishers have long lamented the absence of a successful model for online profits.

7) Still, we lament the absence of the TV antenna from the international version of the device.

8) Crossing in Force 9 winds led me to lament the absence of a grab-rail in the shower.

9) Weinstein (2001) identified over two dozen articles in the major psychoanalytic journals lamenting the absence of a theory of emotions.

10) Some expressed a newfound willingness to embrace programming, but lamented an absence of funding and physical space to implement the necessary reforms.

11) Newcomers probably won't find much to latch onto here, but those lamenting the absence of a really juicy film from the director should find plenty to enjoy here.

12) He lamented the absence of Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury, and felt the episode needed "to be much tougher, much stranger, much edgier to reach its potential".

13) Standing over the trunk, she laments Gerardine's absence and worries that their love will be destroyed by the passage of time.

14) Expressly lamenting the absence in England of periodicals, the "Young Students Library" was designed to fill the need in America for periodical literature.

15) Allmusic wrote that the album "rocks so damn hard", but lamented the absence of some of the songs from the television show.

use lament absence in a sentence

16) Remember this Monty in Aus this summer , I think you may be lamenting the absence of a captain with a bit of flair.

17) " lamenting the absence of Rule of Law in the country, Buhari argued that "elections in Nigeria since 2003 have not been free and fair.

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