
kill astronaut in a sentence

1) The three super-villains land on the moon and kill the astronauts.

2) In the end, the vessel explodes and the two male astronauts are killed .

astronaut collocations
3) The AI entity known as HAL goes crazy and wants to kill the astronauts on the space ship.

4) Accidents related to space travel have killed 22 astronauts and cosmonauts, and a larger number of people on the ground.

kill astronaut example sentences

5) The site sits adjacent to the memorial for NASA astronauts killed in the explosions of the Challenger and Columbia space shuttles .

6) Apollo suffered a setback in January 1967, when three astronauts were killed after their spacecraft caught fire during a launch simulation.

7) Faced with the prospect of disconnection, HAL decides to kill the astronauts in order to protect and continue its programmed directives.

8) February 1 – STS-107: Space Shuttle "Columbia" disintegrates over Texas upon re-entry, killing all 7 astronauts on board.

9) Suddenly a storm of debris comes at them (and at the audience if you watch in 3-D), killing the astronauts with the exception of Ryan and Matt.

10) For example, when Apollo 1 went up in flames, killing all three astronauts in 1967, engineers ended the use of high oxygen atmospheres in manned space vehicles.

11) At exactly 6:31 p.m. audience members fell silent for the conclusion of the memorial, the exact moment the flash fire occurred, killing all three astronauts, while a NOTU bugler played Taps.

12) In 1969, the United States Air Force selected polybenzimidazole (PBI) for its superior thermal protective performance after a 1967 fire aboard the Apollo 1 spacecraft killed three astronauts.

13) A well-known example of an accidental fire accelerated by pure oxygen under pressure occurred in the Apollo 1 spacecraft in January 1967 during a ground test; it killed all three astronauts.

14) The MER team named the landing site "Columbia Memorial Station," in honor of the seven astronauts killed in the Space Shuttle "Columbia" disaster.

example sentences with astronaut

15) The show celebrated 25 years of NASA, 150 years of Texas, and was a tribute to the astronauts killed in the recent Challenger Disaster.

16) One-minute, 13-seconds into flight, the entire "Challenger" was enveloped in a fireball and broke into several large segments, killing the seven astronauts.

17) Once the city captures and kills the human astronauts, the humans' corpses are used as automatons to finalize the city's creators' revenge: a biological attack on the Earth.

18) On February 1, 2003, at the conclusion of the "STS-107" mission, the Space Shuttle "Columbia" disintegrated during reentry over Texas, killing all seven astronauts on board.

19) On January 28, 1986, "Challenger" disintegrated 73 seconds after launch due to the failure of the right SRB, killing all seven astronauts on board.

20) Of these, "Challenger" and "Columbia" were destroyed in mission accidents in 1986 and 2003 respectively, in which a total of fourteen astronauts were killed .

21) Christa McAuliffe, teacher, astronaut killed in the Challenger disaster

22) All seven astronauts aboard were killed . [ 210 ] On the night of the disaster, Reagan delivered a speech, written by Peggy Noonan, in which he said:

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