
keenly aware in a sentence

1) China is keenly aware of that fact.

2) Critical thinkers become keenly aware of their assumptions.

aware collocations
3) But he is keenly aware of history.

4) Those planning the actual reconstruction are keenly aware of those concerns.

keenly aware example sentences

5) Hartlepool should be keenly aware of that danger.

6) Arnold was keenly aware of his place in poetry.

7) They are keenly aware of the costs of war .

8) Dwight Baker is keenly aware of that compatibility.

9) Design trends: BP is keenly aware of such dangers.

10) All persons are keenly aware that this is hallowed ground.

11) Thus Filipino Christians must become keenly aware of these things.

12) Her daughter Jane was keenly aware of Laura's inner life.

13) Most of us are keenly aware of our deficiencies in prayer.

14) This generation was keenly aware of dangers that must not be repeated.

example sentences with aware

15) They are often keenly aware of the familial conflict that this produces.

16) He was keenly aware of the need for inter-disciplinary research.

17) He was keenly aware that everything he was doing was being intently watched.

18) Kemal Atatürk was himself keenly aware of the importance of civic instruction.

19) Jacob was keenly aware of that.

20) Donata is keenly aware of and frustrated by her ignorance of life.

21) Batters also remain keenly aware of the count during their at bat.

22) Most interviewers are keenly aware of when interviewees are being less than honest.

23) Yet Poe was also keenly aware of the poverty of his own household.

24) At all times while doing this, be keenly aware of your breathing.

25) And a human rights one, as I know you are keenly aware.

26) We all know that administrative assistants are keenly aware of their bosses' preferences.

27) But Washington must be keenly aware that Saudi oil production remains extremely vulnerable to sabotage.

How to use aware in a sentence

28) You become more keenly aware of the big picture of life and what really matters.

29) We are keenly aware of the inmost feelings of all ye, Our subjects.

30) She was keenly aware of the smile which hovered round the old doctor's lips.

31) You are keenly aware of your body language and always maintain eye contact with your audience.

32) Women were keenly aware of the restrictions on their freedom that resulted from their situation.

33) Kulothunga Chola III was keenly aware of the secular religious traditions of the Chola monarchy.

34) They 're also keenly aware of the free-spending ways of their bitter rivals down south.

35) I was more keenly aware and alive now than I had ever been in my body.

36) Colonel Mark Jennings Colonel Jennings is keenly aware that responsibility extends to veterans as well.

37) Learners are often keenly aware of what they need to know to accomplish a task.

38) However, the market is keenly aware of getting strong alignment between fund sponsor and investors alike.

39) The Founding Fathers were keenly aware of this principle and incorporated it into our Constitution.

40) He was keenly aware that his first priority was to shrink the number of Citizens policies.

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