
judicial authorization in a sentence

1) The government entered homes without judicial authorization.

2) Four weeks later she asked for judicial authorization to terminate the pregnancy.

authorization collocations
3) There continued to be reports of authorities entering private properties without proper judicial authorization.

4) If a United States person is involved, judicial authorization was required within 72 hours "after" surveillance begins.

judicial authorization example sentences

5) Unlike applications for interception in other criminal cases there was no procedure for judicial authorization in the case of security applications.

6) However, these wiretaps were not considered legitimate evidence by the courts, since they were recorded without the necessary judicial authorization.

7) It had not been requested by the police and was not provided pursuant to a warrant or other form of judicial authorization.".

8) The complete details of the program are not known, as the Bush Administration contended that security concerns did not allow it to release details, and limit judicial authorization and review.

9) The Supreme Court majority concluded that police should have been obliged to obtain a judicial wiretap authorization – a far more arduous hurdle that few investigations are able to clear .

10) (2) When the consent of one spouse to any transaction of the other is required by law, judicial authorization shall be necessary;

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