
invest abroad in a sentence

1) Other Chinese real estate firms too are investing abroad .

2) Chinese companies will continue to invest abroad .

3) Indian multinationals have emerged that are investing abroad .

invest abroad example sentences

4) The firms, therefore, invest abroad to capture the rents from their advantages.

5) There is money to be made in helping South Koreans invest abroad , too.

6) Thai nationals were allowed to invest abroad without the approval of the Bank of Thailand.

7) After the last exchange controls were lifted in July 1989, Swedes rushed to invest abroad .

8) International financial integration among nations has afforded investors the opportunity to diversify their asset portfolios by investing abroad .

9) Host states might discourage investment from abroad, and residence states might discourage their residents from investing abroad .

10) The sum of this outflow of British funds amounts to £12,500 million, permanently invested abroad .

11) As a result of this growth, many of these developing countries accumulated capital and started investing abroad .

12) There are difficulties in identifying direct investors and in developing an adequate population frame of resident units investing abroad .

13) Even leading Indian industrialists are investing abroad , where there is a healthy environment for working and making money.

14) In the 1960s some firms started investing abroad in forms that linked together production, trade and finance.

15) UK residents have been able to invest freely abroad since October 1979 when foreign exchange control restrictions were fully lifted.

use invest abroad in a sentence

16) That is, foreigners invested $520 billion more in the United States than U.S. citizens and companies invested abroad .

17) The British invested abroad in this period as never before or, relatively speaking - according to some - since.

18) From 1951 to 1978, this immigration was associated with Japan's economic growth, giving it money to invest abroad .

19) That is also why Chinese businesses are investing abroad in this sector -- to acquire the technology," says Meidan.

20) The Government also has liquid assets resulting from past fiscal surpluses (deposited in the Central Bank and invested abroad ).

21) The invest abroad trend among Russian funds started in 2009 , when Yuri Milner's Digital Sky Technologies invested in Facebook.

22) Many Indian entrepreneur like TATAS, Ambanis Birlas, Mittal Venkys,Hindujas invested abroad like UK USA Europe.

23) The more that developing countries invest abroad through small and medium companies, the greater the chance they will want to participate.

24) When investing abroad , an investor has to take into account a number of factors that are not relevant when investing in the domestic economy.

25) In order to invest abroad he first has to acquire foreign currency (i.e. foreign exchange), which can then be used to purchase overseas bonds and shares.

26) If that is low, then firms will use cash to buy back their own stock and merge and perhaps even speculate when they are not investing abroad .

27) In so far as institutions find it more profitable to invest abroad , UK companies may find it more difficult to float new share issues.

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