
internal auditing in a sentence

1) internal auditing is part of the entity.

2) The first priority is to provide training for internal auditing.

auditing collocations
3) By implication, this can be internal auditing.

4) Keywords: internal auditing, control environment, Belgium.

internal auditing example sentences

5) These requirements and standards are of equal importance to internal auditing. 6.

6) It provides companies with market studies, internal auditing, communication strategies evaluations, and more.

7) Recent case based research studies on internal auditing in Belgium illustrate the importance of the control environment.

8) Some of the philosophy and approach of internal auditing is derived from the work of Lawrence Sawyer.

9) Sawyer helped make internal auditing more relevant and more interesting through a sharp focus on operational or performance auditing.

10) In my line of work, I'm often asked exactly what internal auditing is supposed to be.

11) You, Mr. Mottram, are one of our Assistant General Managers, concerned with internal auditing.

12) This entails monitoring cash flow and investment activities, and overseeing the internal auditing, payroll and asset management teams.

13) His philosophy and guidance on the role of internal audit was a forerunner of the current definition of internal auditing.

14) internal auditing, reporting and oversight procedures are all expected to be easier thanks to the new software installed by Varonis.

example sentences with auditing

15) The author of dozens of articles on internal auditing, Swanson has completed audit projects for more than 30 different organizations and has completed nearly 100 internal audits.

16) According to the company, it leverages many functions across all product types such as training, new loan boarding, investor reporting, customer service, internal auditing, and IT.

17) The findings reveal that corporate crime activities are mostly due to inadequate cash security practices, inadequate supervision as well as a lack of internal auditing.

18) Some examples of roles in which people can practice internal consulting include marketing, finance, internal auditing, strategic planning, information technology, and human resources.

19) internal auditing can play a critical role there, measuring and inspecting how the IT investment process–specifically, how IT investment is managed–works.

20) Carcello, J.V., Hermanson, D.R. and Raghunandan, K. (2005a), Factors associated with U.S. public companies' investment in internal auditing, Accounting Horizons, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 69-84.

21) A company with a more formalised risk management system, in which the responsibilities are clearly defined, is a more supportive environment for internal auditing.

22) This description suggests that the control environment has an influence on all other components of a risk management system, and thus, also on internal auditing.

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