
initially anticipate in a sentence

1) Clearly a lie and the injury was worse than initially anticipated .

anticipate collocations
2) Third party payers are approving it at rate higher than initially anticipated .

3) We initially anticipated that whole-body loading via vibration is fatiguing.

initially anticipate example sentences

4) Overall, the damage from Rick was significantly less than what was initially anticipated .

5) The shortfall was in consumption and imports , which fell more aggressively than initially anticipated .

6) But the mine has been delayed and will be more costly than was initially anticipated .

7) The WSLCB had initially anticipated the first proposed section would be approved in April.

8) Ford initially anticipated that over 85% of Fiesta orders would include this multifunction display.

9) Since the storm weakened considerably from its peak intensity, damage was much less than initially anticipated .

10) Initially anticipating a sell-out weekend, Railstar will instead lose two weeks of its season.

11) TransCanada had initially anticipated that it would secure a presidential permit by the end of 2013.

12) But he predicted history would judge the financial rescue as effective and less costly than initially anticipated .

13) This implies that there is less of a division between science and the humanities than initially anticipated .

14) Incoming freshmen who had already paid their deposits were faced with a much steeper bill than initially anticipated .

15) February 's growth was stronger than initially anticipated , spurred by a rebounding housing market and strengthening auto industry.

example sentences with initially anticipate

16) The facility is now not expected to begin operations until the year 2027 - 11 years after initially anticipated .

17) As peace makers became richer over time, it became clear that making war had greater costs than initially anticipated .

18) Users phrase queries in many different ways and than we initially anticipated and we have to invest in that .

19) The costs will negatively affect earnings per share by 45 ¢ this year, higher than the company had initially anticipated .

20) During filming significantly more CGI work was done than initially anticipated as in many cases it proved to be more practical.

21) Signs of abuse may be difficult to anticipate initially in a relationship and may begin as the relationship grows increasingly controlling.

22) He noted that authorities initially anticipated about $ 34 billion in assistance but now expect consumer relief to exceed $50 billion.

23) From Puzanov's diaries it is clear, however, that the Korean Workers' Party did not initially anticipate the resignation of Syngman Rhee.

24) For example, a child may initially anticipate a trip to the grocery store when her hands are placed on the grocery cart outside of the door to the grocery cart.

25) Overall, things are progressing nicely, albeit somewhat more slowly then I initially anticipated but some very valuable lessons have been learnt.

26) These problems significantly delayed the testing of the sensors and the lab personnel consequently spent more time on this project than was initially anticipated .

27) Blow had initially anticipated to release "The Witness" initially on Microsoft Windows and iOS devices, along with an unspecified set of consoles.

28) While "Carnival Pride" and "" survived the worst of the hurricane, the "Carnival Elation" was expected to arrive one day earlier than initially anticipated .

How to use initially anticipate in a sentence

29) At around the same time, an area of high pressure strengthened to the hurricane's north, steering the cyclone further west than initially anticipated .

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