
induce asthma in a sentence

1) asthma is often induced by allergic reactions.

2) There have been few reports of occupational asthma induced by herb materials.

asthma collocations
3) Q2."I have allergy and not hyperventilation induced asthma.

4) Colophony has induced asthma in previously unexposed hyperresponsive asthmatics.

induce asthma example sentences

5) I suffer from allergy induced asthma myself, as does my 14 year old daughter.

6) I am still allergic, in some cases very allergic (including allergy induced asthma).

7) Radcliffe was diagnosed with exercise induced asthma at the age of 14 after blacking out whilst training.

8) The patient in this study showed the occurrence of occupational asthma induced by Sanyak and Korean ginseng.

9) Our results do not clarify the nature of the GOR-asthma relation or the mechanisms of reflux induced asthma.

10) Sulfur dioxide, while harmless to healthy individuals, can induce asthma when inhaled or ingested by sensitive people.

11) This product is a prescription inhalation solution, administered via nebulization, for the treatment and maintenance of acute asthma exacerbations and exercise induced asthma in children and adults.

12) Although there is a report of occupational asthma being induced by Brazilian ginseng no cases of bronchial asthma caused by Korean ginseng have been previously reported.

13) In the face of strong opposition, OEHHA was the first government agency to establish that diesel exhaust causes cancer and induces asthma in children.

14) Beta blockade with propranolol causes a rebound in airway resistance after exercise in normal subjects over the same time course as the bronchoconstriction seen with exercise induced asthma.

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