
individual ability in a sentence

1) The game focuses on giving individuals too much ability .

2) Match jobs to individuals' creative abilities 3.

3) Whether the violation hindered an individual's ability to obtain healthcare.

individual ability example sentences

4) Their degree of success depends on the individual's hearing abilities .

5) And this is well within the individual's ability to change.

6) Emotions also related to an individual's relationship management ability .

7) Deep agraphia affects an individuals' phonological ability and orthographic memory.

8) Exercises will improve the individual's ability to sight-read.

9) According to their argument, an individual's ability to earn income differs.

10) Prelingual deafness impairs an individual's ability to acquire a spoken language.

11) Attachment disorder varies in severity and the individual's ability to benefit from treatment.

12) Liberty bank new orleans, la score limits low income individuals ability to advance economically.

13) While seemingly eliminating voter fraud, it simultaneously hurts other individuals' ability to vote.

14) Services should also aim to enhance the individual's own ability to cope with distress.

15) Reducing an individual's ability to detect socially relevant signals could therefore affect biologically important processes.

use individual ability in a sentence

16) Bodily damage may impede an individual's ability to find a mate in the future.

17) Psychological resilience is defined as an individual's ability to properly adapt to stress and adversity.

18) Ill health can reduce the individual's ability to move due to motor or nervous problems.

19) Each individual's ability to form and maintain relationships using this "emotional glue" is different.

20) This fits the stark limitations on each individual's ability to know all sides of history.

21) Note how the individual's ability to work changed after the development of the disability.

22) It will tell us about the individuals' ability to make and maintain new relationships.

23) It was those factors as much as individuals' ability which won the league 2 seasons ago.

24) Inaccessible technology interferes with an individual's ability to obtain and use information quickly and easily.

25) These items should be divided appropriately between people based on weight, size, and individuals abilities .

26) Several disorders or impairments have been found to disrupt an individual's ability to successfully process faces.

27) There are informal and formal assessments to monitor an individuals comprehension ability and use of comprehension strategies.

28) Recovery depends on the degree of vestibular loss and on the individual's ability to compensate.

How to use individual ability in a sentence

29) These involve an individuals ability to perceive the position of a joint without the aid of vision.

30) Thus, low positive affect inhibits the individual's ability to replace drug-taking with other rewarding activities.

31) Additionally, individuals' musical memory abilities are greater for culturally familiar music than for culturally unfamiliar music.

32) Access to NHS services is based on clinical need, not an individual's ability to pay.

33) I agree, in most cases, this is more about politics than capable individuals' abilities .

34) The software allows for courses tailored to an individual's abilities through frequent and automatic multiple intelligences assessments.

35) CEM can significantly deteriorate one's self-esteem and erode an individual's ability to trust another person.

36) This is rooted in society's respect for individuals' ability to make informed decisions about personal matters.

37) Alcohol alters and kills brain cells and can adversely affect an individual's ability to form new memories.

38) Such processing of emotion can alter an individuals' ability to accurately assess others' emotions as well.

39) Efficacy depends on the degree of hearing loss and the individual's premorbid ability to process auditory information.

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