
indirectly affect in a sentence

1) Food purchases do indirectly affect your carbon footprint.

affect collocations
2) Related hardware manufacturing industries have also indirectly affected video gaming.

3) Everybody is directly and indirectly affected by this selfish act.

indirectly affect example sentences

4) Labour markets are indirectly affected by monopolistic competition in product markets.

5) Soybean aphids may indirectly affect plant health through viral transmission.

6) Lipoproteins may indirectly affect platelet function by altering vascular endothelial cell function.

7) Today, the CPI directly or indirectly affects nearly all Canadians.

8) They also point out that species extinction will even indirectly affect humans.

9) Growth factors that indirectly affect angiogenesis are also targets of proteolytic activation.

10) Some of these changes indirectly affected the protection of designated National Treasures.

11) So the losses suffered by Lloyd's members indirectly affect us all.

12) He suspects that our serotonin-boosting antidepressants work by indirectly affecting dopamine levels.

13) These two categories, however, are only indirectly affected by obstetric management.

14) How do our actions directly and indirectly affect the salvation of our children?

15) Most of the time, our behavior is indirectly affected by our emotions.

example sentences with indirectly affect

16) Fisheries could also indirectly affect the trophic structure and foraging methods of seabirds.

17) Aging affects all the body's systems and can directly or indirectly affect behavior.

18) Changes such as these affect the rate of aquifer recharge and thus indirectly affect streamflow.

19) What peripheral issues facing the general could be directly or indirectly affected by your words?

20) Many of these relations directly or indirectly affect land using decisions which lead to environmental degradation.

21) There are a number of legislative and regulatory mechanisms that directly and indirectly affect the media.

22) It is estimated that approximately 1.3 million children and youth under 18 were directly or indirectly affected .

23) Additional upstream dams would directly and indirectly affect 25,000 indigenous peoples in the entire Xingu basin.

24) It is also possible to cause state shifts in another context, by indirectly affecting state variables.

25) The SPS Agreement applies to all SPS measures which may directly or indirectly affect international trade.

26) Consequently, federal and state laws only indirectly affect UFCF through their contractual relationship with DCFS.

27) There have also been more complex indirect interactions describing how introduced mammals can indirectly affect seabird breeding populations.

28) Modern-day hybrid conflicts directly and indirectly affects all counties and regions, in one way or another.

How to use indirectly affect in a sentence

29) The figure that I gave was of those who are directly or indirectly affected by the opencast sector.

30) Our thoughts are with those families who lost loved ones, those who were injured and those indirectly affected .

31) It will also explain how market rates indirectly affect sterling interest rates generally, and specifically bank base rates.

32) Additionally , the kind of food you eat and how often you eat it indirectly affects your mood.

33) Nitrogen loading through human-use indirectly affects salt marshes causing shifts in vegetation structure and the invasion of non-native species.

34) If oil directly affects any organism within an ecosystem, it can indirectly affect a host of other organisms.

35) These findings suggest that lipoprotein abnormalities in the diabetic state may also indirectly affect platelet function by damaging vascular endothelium.

36) Voice calls and text messaging services were also indirectly affected as a result of congestion caused by the network failure .

37) The quantity of dopant introduced to an intrinsic semiconductor determines its concentration and indirectly affects many of its electrical properties.

38) The Eurozone crisis reportedly harmed Thailand's economic growth in 2012, directly and indirectly affecting the country's exports.

39) The cautious zone includes areas that might be indirectly affected by an eruption: lahar flows and other pumice stones.

40) The DNS protocol vulnerability announced by Dan Kaminsky on July 8, 2008 is indirectly affected by NAT port mapping.

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