
indicate absence in a sentence

1) A dash indicates the absence of a prompt for that party.

2) Instead, footnotes indicate the absence of such verses in some manuscripts.

3) Caloric testing can sometimes indicate absence of function when there actually is considerable function.

indicate absence example sentences

indicate absence example sentences

4) Zero on an absolute scale of measurement indicates the complete absence of the quantity being measured.

5) In essence it indicates the absence of any health issue, or chronic or debilitating condition.

6) Low current densities produce a greenish-blue flash, indicating the absence of significant yellow or orange lines.

7) The presence of porpoises does not indicate the absence of sharks as both eat the same food.

8) A α value of 1.0 indicates an absence of DIF and thus similar performance by both groups.

9) At 10:20pm, the tank was at normal pressure, indicating the absence of water.

10) Minus (–) Indicate the absence and plus (+) the presence of the condition.

11) In contrast, different human cell types respond to damage differently indicating an absence of a common global response.

12) While Null indicates the absence of any value, the empty string and numerical zero both represent actual values.

13) absence from desk does not indicate absence from work mindset, or indeed an absence of work being generated.

14) Similar to the above meta-analysis, an MCG score of4 was used to indicate the absence of relevant CAD.

15) A "high degree of variance in survivors' reactions to layoffs" indicates the absence of a procedural justice climate.

use indicate absence in a sentence

16) Lowercase "d" indicates the absence of the D antigen (the gene is usually deleted or otherwise nonfunctional).

17) Koenig and Helena offer sincere apologies, stating they only violated the seal after the equipment indicated the absence of life.

18) Such values can be 0 or 1, where 0 might indicate the absence of some property, and 1 its presence.

19) Despite this shifting within both the left and the right, the polls indicate an absence of movement between the two poles.

20) The spectrum was read and indicated the absence of the element 43 and the presence of the element 75 (rhenium).

21) It does not necessarily indicate the physical absence of Poles, but rather their invisibility to the Germans - even to those who lived there.

22) But the presence of an eating disorder more often than not indicates the absence of some crucial ingredients in the child's infrastructure.

23) There is an elegant circularity in trying to prove that behaviour can be dissociated from conscious awareness by using behaviour to indicate the absence of awareness.

24) The second subset need not be run when analysis of the data from the first subset points indicates the absence of significant curvature effects.

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