
increasingly autonomous in a sentence

1) As the years went by, the three feudal lords and their extensive territories became increasingly autonomous.

2) The estates planned to build up an increasingly autonomous Finnish state, led by the elite and intelligentsia.

autonomous collocations
3) Regional military governors, known as Jiedushi, gained increasingly autonomous status while formerly submissive states raided the empire.

4) Modernist art was thus an autonomous social 'institution', the preserve of an increasingly autonomous intellectual class.

increasingly autonomous example sentences

5) Being equipped with compact computers and motors these could be increasingly autonomous and have a large range of capabilities.

6) The Green Party has had an amicable split from Scottish counterpart, and the Wales Green Party section is becoming increasingly autonomous.

7) Parents should continue to supervise, provide good behavioural models, set rules consistently, but also allow the child to become increasingly autonomous.

8) As technology has evolved, more of the above tasks are now aided by the use of automated programs, or "bots," that are increasingly autonomous, rapid, and difficult to detect.

9) Following these events, the increasingly autonomous governments of the Azores, between 1981 and 1983, built several airports to provide expanded service to the remaining islands.

10) Although China will remain formally united, the central government will gradually lose much of its real power, with the provinces becoming increasingly autonomous.

11) Ranjit Singh had died in 1839, his Empire fell into disorder, and a war between the British East India Company and the powerful and increasingly autonomous Sikh Army, the Khalsa, became inevitable.

12) Provincial rulers performed bay'ah (ritual homage) at their accession, but their fiefs became increasingly autonomous by the time.

13) During the Abbasids, the caliphate began to disintegrate, and the delta came under the control of the increasingly autonomous province centered at Mansura.

14) In 751, the Lombard King Aistulf conquered most of the Exarchate of Ravenna, leaving Venice a lonely and increasingly autonomous Byzantine outpost.

example sentences with autonomous

15) This puppet, but increasingly autonomous state existed until November 1918, when it was replaced by the newly established Republic of Poland.

16) This development also gives concrete form to a burgeoning tendency toward spatialization, the sublimation of an increasingly autonomous dimension of time into spatial forms.

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