
increasingly attractive in a sentence

1) During this period mechanized farming became increasingly attractive.

2) Her work as a teacher has been increasingly attractive.

attractive collocations
3) For others, hanging back a node is looking increasingly attractive.

4) The idea of telecommuting seems increasingly attractive to lawyers.

increasingly attractive example sentences

5) The same is true of another increasingly attractive proposition – retail savings bonds .

6) As such, Vietnam is becoming an increasingly attractive market for international investments.

7) Having acquired the taste, a service career became increasingly attractive to them.

8) Medical vacations abroad will offer an increasingly attractive alternative to American socialized medicine .

9) The complexity of the communications scene makes 'outsourcing' an increasingly attractive option.

10) Many more implementations and configurations make spatial augmented reality display an increasingly attractive interactive alternative.

11) This shows that we are competitive and an increasingly attractive option for young researchers.

12) Increasing fragmentation is making the Australian market increasingly attractive ," said Ms. Randery.

13) It allows students more freedom and I can see it becoming an increasingly attractive option .

14) This made seizure and control of the French ports at Marseille and Toulon increasingly attractive.

example sentences with attractive

15) The Ka-band frequency (35 GHz) is becoming increasingly attractive for spaceborne remote sensing applications.

16) Just 5pc of corporate entities currently use e-procurement, and the business case is increasingly attractive.

17) Southern African waters are becomingly an increasingly attractive alternative to the more protected Eastern African sea lanes.

18) Its relevance here though is that 'money' has become an increasingly attractive means of storing wealth.

19) The reduction was helped by the strength of sterling which became increasingly attractive as an oil-backed currency.

20) In recent years, creative industries have become ' increasingly attractive to governments outside the developed world'.

21) As a side effect, cars and other forms of motorized transport became increasingly attractive to the population.

22) For good electoral reasons, EMS membership will look an increasingly attractive alternative to a tighter monetary policy.

23) However, as the Cloud concentrates more and more sensitive data, it becomes increasingly attractive to cybercriminals.

24) Canadian industrial enterprises became increasingly attractive to foreign investors, especially from the United States and Great Britain.

25) The American model of an essentially privatized culture is increasingly attractive to governments seeking to curtail their cultural subsidies.

26) After this Cyprus mess, American banks are looking increasingly attractive to investors compared with counterparts around the globe .

27) As stingless bees are harmless to humans, they have become an increasingly attractive addition to the suburban backyard.

How to use attractive in a sentence

28) Pam informs him of her break-up with Stephen and confesses to finding him (Nick) increasingly attractive.

29) Articled clerks, recently renamed trainee solicitors, are paid salaries, which have in recent years become increasingly attractive.

30) There are reports that the area is becoming increasingly attractive for retirees as well as persons seeking a weekend retreat.

31) These materials which are ordered ... Carbon nanotubes are becoming increasingly attractive for photovoltaic solar cells as a replacement to silicon.

32) For better or worse, technological advances and diminishing opportunities elsewhere make the Arctic increasingly attractive to oil and gas exploration.

33) The first is that government service has become increasingly attractive for those young people not among Russia's best and brightest.

34) While this is becoming an increasingly attractive prospect, in practice, many solutions don't necessarily deliver the desired outcome.

35) Furthermore the rate of tax deducted at source will rise in 2008 and again in 2011, making disclosure increasingly attractive.

36) As the Soviet missile threat became more pronounced and warning time decreased, Strategic Air Command bases presented increasingly attractive targets.

37) As increasing U-boat attacks and poor ice conditions made convoys to Arkhangelsk extremely dangerous, the railway became an increasingly attractive route.

38) At the same time land prices soared in response to peasant land hunger, and the option of selling became increasingly attractive.

39) As the children get older, evenings become valuable family time; as we get older, early nights become increasingly attractive.

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