
improve the atmosphere in a sentence

1) the government is trying to improve the atmosphere for foreign direct investment.

2) Improving the atmosphere at the track is an important component in attracting and retaining customers.

atmosphere collocations
3) So how does Floreal hope to improve the atmosphere other than an improved team?

4) In the following years many different and various activities were held to improve the atmosphere inside the stadium.

improve the atmosphere example sentences

5) Members of the team felt that he improved the atmosphere within the side and made the game enjoyable.

6) It improves the atmosphere .

7) I think it looks cooler, improves the atmosphere, and I also think it adds to the playability.

8) In many instances, if plants are not provided, staff will bring their own in to improve the atmosphere.

9) the second one, PSV Fans United, serve a more specific purpose: to improve the atmosphere in the stadium.

10) In 1999, a group of supporters founded the Red Ultras group with the express aim of improving the atmosphere at Pittodrie.

11) the new facade design was supposed to improve the atmosphere of the interior and to promote company visibility and positive image in the cityscape.

12) the first committee was formed at the end of spring semester 2004 to brainstorm ways of improving the atmosphere and environment in Student Services.

13) the organisation has no history of violence or extremism, and works closely with the football club to try to improve the atmosphere at home matches.

14) In addition, the supporters have set up a group to improve the atmosphere at both home and away games, known as the Wigan Brigantes.

example sentences with atmosphere

15) A statement issued by the US administration on June 25 welcomed their release as a" far sighted significant step that will improve the atmosphere for progress in our bilateral relations".

16) President Hamilton sought to improve the atmosphere for women by building Hamilton Hall, which was not only the first on-campus housing for students but also the first all-women's housing on campus.

17) Former manager Martin O'Neill expressed his desire to have Villa fans seated in the North Stand to improve the atmosphere at Villa Park.

18) In 2007, the club launched the 'Back to the Shed' campaign to improve the atmosphere at home matches, with notable success.

19) the Green Brigade have organised various displays at Celtic matches involving banners, flags and demonstrations which have been credited with improving the atmosphere at Celtic Park.

20) As well as more than 'keep up' with Vettel, Ricciardo has also improved the atmosphere inside the team, said Marko, whose relationship with Mark Webber was never good.

21) Several other tactics that can improve the atmosphere at the track include:

22) " Part of the council's wish list is to improve the atmosphere around the town centre.

23) **improve the atmosphere.

24) "If we can avoid force against Syria, this will improve the atmosphere in international affairs and strengthen mutual trust.

25) It actually looks pretty cool, and improves the atmosphere, but at the expense of playability: it's too distracting, especially when you're trying to track a monster close to you:

26) "Edge" said that the licensed music enhanced the city's "already remarkable sense of space" and that the original score improved the atmosphere of the gameplay.

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