
improve ability in a sentence

1) Reducing anxiety and improving processing ability is certainly possible.

2) Can colour result in improved memory abilities ?

3) This treatment improves the ability to compare results across years.

improve ability example sentences

4) improved ability to connect students and caring adults. 5.

5) To improve pupils' ability in planning project work 2.

6) The process will improve the ability to forecast scheduling requirement.

7) improved ability to compete with overseas competitors was also claimed.

8) It improves the ability to exercise by increasing muscle energy .

9) improved ability to deal with so-called zip bombs.

10) Potassium improves ability to fight off disease.

11) Religious groups reported improved ability to attract new members without government interference.

12) Phonics instruction improves children's ability to identify words.

13) Talmadge's acting ability improved rapidly during this period.

14) Develop strength: improve the ability to apply more force.

15) B. Improving the ability to co-operate 12.

use improve ability in a sentence

16) Mazda has to keep striving to improve life ability on rotary engine.

17) Fact: The environment can improve a child's ability .

18) Nanotechnology can improve the military's ability to detect biological agents.

19) He acknowledged the need to improve the defenses ability to generate turnovers .

20) improved the immune system's ability to kill cancer cells, 3.

21) Mulch also improves the soil's ability to hold water.

22) ALSO staying hydrated improves the brains ability to function.

23) improved ability to manage stress 6 .

24) Everyone while listening have a improved ability to connect with the words.

25) Exercises will improve the individual's ability to sight-read.

26) Improving private-sector ability to provide purpose built airtankers would be advantageous.

27) improves the ability of the muscles to recover from physical activity 7.

28) It also greatly improves the ability of the soil to hold onto fertilizers.

How to use improve ability in a sentence

29) Cognitive training has been shown to improve cognitive abilities for up to five years.

30) Develop power: improve the ability to apply force at a faster rate.

31) improve the employee's ability to market them in the internal job market.

32) The same improved abilities can also be applied to projects in the world.

33) Endurance exercises improve the ability of your heart and lungs to work efficiently.

34) Magnesium and potassium improve the ability to absorb calcium and protect your bones .

35) Simply, with improved recovery ability , your body has become a different body!

36) For instance, it may help improve a child's ability to organize activities.

37) Initially, Stark welcomes this "living" armor for its improved tactical abilities .

38) It offered improved off-road ability , load capacity, handling, and ride comfort.

39) improves the ability of local people to influence decision-making within their own community.

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