
important avenue in a sentence

1) An important avenue for communication is advertising.

2) Books and blogs offer one important avenue.

avenue collocations
3) Instagram has become an important new avenue for experiencing art.

4) Credit default swaps opened up important new avenues to speculators.

important avenue example sentences

5) Local landuse and municipal planning represent important avenues for adaptation to global warming.

6) One of the most important avenues is the preservation of traditional knowledge and experience.

7) For instance, schools could be important avenues for community based malaria testing and treatment.

8) Square dances were an important social avenue throughout the Ozarks into the 20th century.

9) The relation of adverse working conditions to psychological distress is thus an important avenue of research.

10) Promoting our students ' mathematical creativity is an important avenue for advancing their understanding of mathematics.

11) It is also an important avenue for assessing the plausibility and validity of the research.

12) For LaCapra, certain psychoanalytic concepts offer important avenues for relating memory to history after limit-events.

13) February 27 avenue is very commercially successful and is considered the most important avenue of the city.

14) We suggest that physiological as well as psychological factors may be an important avenue for future study.

example sentences with avenue

15) The dwindling resources for conventional energy sources make renewable energy an exciting and increasingly important avenue of research.

16) The development of counter-proteotoxic compounds and their evaluation as counter-neurodegeneration therapies has become an important research avenue.

17) One important avenue is to decrease the amount of the precious metal platinum used in the fuel cell.

18) Following the war, one important research avenue was trying to increase the design bandwidth of wide-band filters.

19) New Córdoba has a number of important avenues such as "Yrigoyen" and "Vélez Sarsfield".

20) This is an important avenue of research if we are to create a high-tech yet caring and reflective society.

21) Each Sunday and holiday few important avenues of Rosario, are blocked off for the event to become carfree.

22) In Montevideo, Artigas Boulevard is an important avenue (40 m wide) that encloses the central area.

23) Whatever the status distinctions may be, the teaching profession in general is an important avenue of upward social mobility.

24) Native Americans sometimes resented American mediation, especially young men, for whom warfare was an important avenue of social advancement.

25) Additionally, the fire provides an important avenue for the transmission of information to the men, especially the younger members.

26) Marksville was a good location then for a trading post, as the Red River was still an important avenue of trade.

27) With the above points, as least you some important avenues to explore with your health broker after you have run your California group health insurance quote .

28) They reaffirmed their support for the Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum (EAMF) as an important avenue for regional discussion of maritime issues.

29) The National Human Rights Commission and the existing State Human Rights Commissions is an important additional avenue where human rights defenders can seek redress.

30) While the policy may lead to an increased sense of competition and therefore improving quality, it could possibly lead to the closing of an important avenue to some low, to no-budget filmmakers.

31) The body's natural painkillers may yet prove to be the most promising pain relievers, pointing to one of the most important new avenues in drug development.

32) Participation Labour force participation is also a key determinant of long-run economic growth and an important avenue through which inequalities can be tackled.

33) A separate political party within the federation created in 1900. the ILP remained the most important avenue for taking an active role in the Labour Party as an individual socialist.

34) Professional psychotherapy is a very important avenue and resource that can peel back years of hurt and begin a new work towards a rewarding life.

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