
illicit affair in a sentence

1) The women were alleged of having illicit affairs with men.

affair collocations
2) From this illicit affair millions and millions of racist offspring were born.

3) Some have taken this as evidence of an illicit affair .

illicit affair example sentences

4) Who would write memos and tasks about their illicit affair ?

5) Susan begins an illicit affair that threatens both her lifestyle and her life.

6) Why would married men keep illicit affairs outside the convenience of their matrimony ?

7) The duo turned deaf ears and continued with the illicit affair which further enraged Fakande.

8) Before their deaths, Quint and Miss Jessel had carried on an illicit affair .

9) He was involved in an illicit affair with Pamela Turnure, an aide in his Senate office.

10) Courtly love = an illicit affair between a noble, courteous, gentile bachelor knight and a married lady.

11) Nearly every ( human) kid we meet in the series is an illegitimate child from an illicit affair .

12) Today 's resolution inflicts new financial sanctions aimed at blocking monetary transactions in support of North Korea's illicit affairs .

13) At the core of their tension is the illicit affair she has had with her daughter's husband, Antonio.

14) Jacky recognises Henry immediately and it transpires that many years previously, he had had an illicit affair with her.

15) Kama Sutra, composed before 2nd century BC, dedicates six chapters on the art of seduction and illicit affairs .

example sentences with illicit affair

16) An illicit affair .

17) But what is more painful is when she found out that her husband and her cousin best friend, Heidi, have an illicit affair .

18) In spite of having a family of her own, Mara decides to follow her heart's desire and continues her illicit affair with Emilio.

19) A South Omaha policeman named Edward Lowry apprehended a Greek man accused of having an illicit affair with a white woman on February 14, 1909.

20) It is revealed that Anna is Harry's daughter and the two step siblings begin an illicit affair under the noses of their parents.

21) Eventually, Li Shimin submitted a message to Emperor Gaozu, accusing Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji of having illicit affairs with several consorts of the emperor.

22) It is said that he dressed up as a woman in order to gain access and pursue an illicit affair with Pompeia, the wife of Caesar.

23) Miranda's sister, Nicola West (Imogen Bailey) comes to stay, and this causes Riley, with whom she was having an illicit affair , to leave.

24) His marriage to his wife Astarte has always been loveless, but recent desperation has caused him to open an illicit affair with Kamil.

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