
hostile atmosphere in a sentence

1) Both break down within an hour in the hostile atmosphere.

2) It was the most hostile atmosphere I 've seen.

atmosphere collocations
3) Increasingly hostile atmosphere towards their faith and national identity affected Mountain Jews.

4) His novels feature young male protagonists who confront the hostile atmosphere of provincial cities.

hostile atmosphere example sentences

5) There was always a hostile atmosphere when they were together at Althorp.

6) In this hostile atmosphere, Stein's political activities became more and more dangerous.

7) The government's anti-Semitic rhetoric continued to contribute to a hostile atmosphere for Jews.

8) In this hostile atmosphere, many of Kantakouzenos' soldiers abandoned him and returned to Constantinople.

9) The Chief recalled some of the solutions he employed to help him exist in a hostile atmosphere.

10) Still, despite the negative and hostile atmosphere, the team managed an unconvincing 1–0 win.

11) She made only one point: that the policy created a hostile atmosphere for her daughter, Katherine.

12) It's a hostile atmosphere and it's nice to try and keep them quiet by getting a result.

13) Crowds at Mountaineer Field have earned the reputation of being loud and boisterous, creating a hostile atmosphere for opposing teams.

14) With a bad motivation, a hostile atmosphere is created immediately, and pain is induced for the speaker in the future.

example sentences with atmosphere

15) What was the point in punishing herself unnecessarily by continuing to work in such a hostile atmosphere, no matter how interesting the actual job was?

16) In such a hostile atmosphere, no single party was entirely to blame for the Cold War; in fact, some historians believe it was inevitable.

17) In his hands, the untrained wastrel learned about acting by working in a hostile atmosphere where she was stressed to the point of illness.

18) Local police then told the team they could would not give them any assistance in the coming days for filming, and in the hostile atmosphere the team decided to leave Argentina.

19) On 6 August 400 members of the cooperative marched on the factory and in a hostile atmosphere met with factory manager Eiichi Nishida.

20) Many trace the origins of the rivalry back to a 15-game undefeated streak Alabama had in Tiger Stadium, which is generally considered to be one of the most hostile atmospheres in college football.

21) Rattled by playing in an extremely hostile atmosphere, Danilović had a poor shooting night making 5 of 15 field goals, good for only 12 points as Virtus lost by 16.

22) As the countries maintain good relations, these duels are not covered in a hostile atmosphere, but even in the friendly matches the mood is generally very tense.

23) The already hostile atmosphere between Russell and Boston hit its apex when vandals broke into his house, covered the walls with racist graffiti, damaged his trophies and defecated in the beds.

24) The hostile atmosphere created allowed for Raffles to cancel the only meeting he was able to arrange, with Panglima Polim, a powerful divisional chief, fearing treachery.

25) Jensen insisted he relished the hostile atmosphere, but joined his manager's condemnation of Buksch, saying: 'The ref lost control from the very first minute.

26) After a series of secret meetings, both sides announced on July 4, 1972, an agreement to work toward peaceful reunification and an end to the hostile atmosphere prevailing on the peninsula.

27) It is not the first time the Hammers players have experienced a hostile atmosphere from their own supporters this season after the team were booed off last month despite beating Hull 2-1.

28) But England skipper Gerrard believes Montenegro will try to put pressure on the referee to make " rash" decisions in the hostile atmosphere in the Montenegro capital.

29) Rather than being welcoming and open, encouraging parents to come on their child's school trip, child protection rules create a suspicious and hostile atmosphere.

30) Most know we have taken the challenge to help clean up first read, unfortunately the ones that belly ached for it are the ones that perpetuate a hostile atmosphere.

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