
highest award in a sentence

1) He received the highest award in genetics .

2) Her grades in mathematics and physics were the highest awarded.

award collocations
3) Gem awards, highest award at each level.

4) It was the highest award by the Academy.

highest award example sentences

5) Czech Lion is the highest award for Czech film achievement.

6) This badge is the highest award available in the Scout Section.

7) This is the highest award North Karnataka got first time.

8) This is the highest award for service given by the CAP.

9) The highest award conferred is the Rashtrabhushan Award.

10) The Trinity Cross - the country's highest award until 2006.

11) This medal is the second highest award a Department member can receive.

12) Before 1998 the highest award was the Rothmans Medal.

13) Eagle Scout is the highest award in the Boy Scouting program.

14) The highest award given each year is the Distinguished Alumnus Award.

example sentences with award

15) From 1963 to 1980, the highest award was called First Class.

16) The highest award goes to Waikiki, in Hawaii.

17) The highest award for Rovers is the Baden-Powell Award.

18) highest award that could be given to an American President .

19) The Denali award is the highest award in Varsity Scouting.

20) Your Company, A-Z Tours get my highest award.

21) The Dean's Cup is the highest award for Drexel Greeks.

22) The Gold award is the highest award a Girt Scout can earn .

23) The Presidential award is one of the nation's highest awards in science.

24) Shantiniketan honoured her with the "Desikottama", its highest award.

25) The Arrow of Light award is the highest award available to Cub Scouts.

26) This is a national award and the highest award an ROTC cadet can receive .

27) They were mentioned with a lot of highest awards, including gold and silver medals.

How to use award in a sentence

28) For his explorations Kolchak received the highest award of the Russian Geographical Society.

29) BPSA's highest award for Pathfinders is the George Washington Scout Award.

30) This medal is the highest award "for valor in action against an enemy force".

31) The highest award attainable by a Scout in South Africa is the Springbok award.

32) WE should lobby for the highest award the United States can give to him.

33) This nation jealously guards its highest award for valor - the Congressional Medal of Honor.

34) The "Pomme d'Or" is the highest award in the European tourist industry.

35) In 1959, it won Italy's highest award for fiction, the Strega Prize.

36) In 1989, Richard received the Brits highest award: "The Outstanding Contribution award".

37) The winner of the highest award - the Gold Prize - in the ... Munich.

38) The Master of Engineering (MEng) is the highest award for undergraduate studies in engineering.

39) It is a lifetime achievement award, and the highest award in Taiwan for a cultural figure.

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