
hemispheric asymmetry in a sentence

1) This darkening is responsible for the hemispheric albedo asymmetry mentioned above.

2) A good example of convergence comes from studies of hemispheric asymmetry in man.

asymmetry collocations
3) This shows that hemispheric asymmetry for lexical processing is not altered by having a reading disability.

4) An increase in hemispheric asymmetry in male brains causes a male sex-dependent decrease in inter-hemispheric connectivity.

hemispheric asymmetry example sentences

5) Women appear to have larger areas of connective fibers between the two hemispheres, called hemispheric asymmetry.

6) One study found that people with schizophrenia had smaller inferior vermis and less cerebellar hemispheric asymmetry than control adults.

7) All the methods in current use for investigating hemispheric asymmetry of function in normal subjects have now been described.

8) The previous chapters discussed hemispheric asymmetry as revealed by brain bisection and the study of patients with unilateral cerebral lesions.

9) The distribution of carbon dioxide does not demonstrate any hemispheric asymmetry, although it is not observed near the poles.

10) Ridgway reports that EEGs show alternating hemispheric asymmetry in slow waves during sleep, with occasional sleep-like waves from both hemispheres.

11) Some of the factors scientists believe could predict solar conditions include " hemispheric asymmetry," where the number of sunspots in the Sun's northern and southern hemispheres differ.

12) The plasma's co-rotation with the planet means that the plasma preferably interacts with the moons' trailing hemispheres, causing noticeable hemispheric asymmetries.

13) The degree of hemispheric asymmetry in males corresponds to the relative size of corpus callosum; however, this is not true in females.

14) Due to the preoccupation of investigators with the issue of hemispheric asymmetry this most important problem has hitherto been immune from serious experimental attack.

example sentences with asymmetry

15) The final method of investigating hemispheric functional asymmetry in neurologically intact subjects involves analysing the effects of requiring two tasks to be carried out simultaneously.

16) However, the rapid development of interest in dichotic listening as a tool for the investigation of hemispheric asymmetry stems largely from the work of Kimura in the early sixties.

17) Within the context of hemispheric asymmetry there are several means whereby this can be achieved, and each of these will be considered in turn.

18) hemispheric asymmetries in facial processing capability

19) hemispheric asymmetry in normal subjects

20) (1998) found "reversed hemispheric asymmetry and greater left hemisphere coherence in abused subjects;" Teicher et al.

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