
help athlete in a sentence

1) Can you explain what sports psychology consultants can help athletes with?

2) Will these substances really help athletes, particularly ultra-athletes?

athlete collocations
3) We'll help every athlete achieve his or her full cognitive potential.

4) New technology is helping US athletes train more efficiently and improve their performance.

help athlete example sentences

5) Yoga also helps athletes get back on track after an injury.

6) The NCAA and the universities did nothing to help these student athletes.

7) It's also built to help athletes maintain the initial drive stance longer.

8) helping athletes and aspiring athletes to achieve peak performance in sport and life.

9) The college offers an open door policy and is keen to help athletes develop .

10) These new and improved programs have helped athletes increase their body weight during training.

11) A new woven fabric has been introduced to help athletes move better and enhance durability .

12) Over-distance running workouts helps the athlete jump a further distance than their set goal.

13) Celliant technology is designed to help athletes with endurance and to maximize their workouts .

14) This will help the athlete reduce their risk of injury while participating in their sport.

example sentences with athlete

15) This 6 week program was designed to help athletes refine neuromuscular control of the lower limbs.

16) Yoga can help any athlete with hip joints, muscles, tendons, and knees.

17) Hyypiä has set up a fund to help young promising athletes of his native Finland.

18) Or monitoring and helping former athletes who may develop long-term neurological disorders like chronic traumatic encephalopathy .

19) I love to help athletes to figure out what their injury is and fix it.

20) I helped one world class athlete stop his sciatic pain with 45 mins of this method.

21) School officials contended the list was intended to help athletes find classes that fit their practice schedules .

22) Ski poles are used to help an athlete pick up speed, turn effectively and maintain balance.

23) Coaches help the athletes be the best they can be regardless of ability–or disability.

24) These body-mind improvements have also helped athletes better accomplish what they're being coached to do.

25) SKLZ focuses on transforming innovative concepts into effective sports training products that help athletes reach their full potential.

26) Prophecy is working on training solutions that can help athletes manage their emotions and responses in competitive situations.

27) I plan to continue teaching group fitness along with a pursuit in helping athletes with training and nutrition.

How to use athlete in a sentence

28) By focusing on success in practice, you can help the athletes block out their day-to-day problems.

29) That's why I am passionate about helping athletes improve their performance and health by maximizing their nutrition.

30) The power numbers are one factor used to help select athletes invited to the USA Cycling National Camp.

31) He decided that he wanted to become a nutritionist and help star athletes to reach their physical potential.

32) The second step in helping athletes and entertainers manage their fortunes is changing how we view advising such clients.

33) Getting to use your knowledge and skills to help the athletes to recover is a phenomenal experience".

34) EPO is a hormone which aids the production of red blood cells, helping athletes train harder for longer.

35) It has become synonymous with Adidas and its dedication to producing high-quality athletic products to help athletes perform better.

36) Imagery can be used to help the athlete to create a positive solution to overcome the fear he display.

37) helping an athlete knock a tenth of a second off his 100-meter time now seemed trivial to me.

38) Therefore, coaches and administrators must make a concerted effort to help athletes overcome the ill effects of playing sports.

39) B2ten helped 20 athletes with an individualized comprehensive approach that helped them to maximize their potential in Vancouver.

40) Smartphones can not only be used just for scores, they can also help athletes become known and recruited.

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