
handle affair in a sentence

1) In handling affairs , ability is good.

affair collocations
2) Municipal affairs are handled by the town mayor and council.

3) Men handled worldly affairs and needed to both read and write.

handle affair example sentences

4) Men handled worldly affairs and needed to read and write.

5) The party board handles the daily affairs of the party.

6) Since 1918 heraldic affairs are handled under the Civil Law.

7) I want my affairs handled properly without a lot of questions.

8) You see, I now handle all international affairs .

9) Many daimyo were increasingly dissatisfied with "bakufu" handling foreign affairs .

10) MUIS is a statutory board in charge of handling Muslim affairs .

11) Civil affairs were handled by SS-general Werner Best.

12) And she said she thought Nick Clegg had handled the affair badly .

13) Whelan journeyed to Augusta to help handle Duggan's affairs .

14) He handled the affairs of the tottering Mughal Empire.

15) Special commissions are established by the board of parliament to handle special affairs .

example sentences with handle affair

16) She also increasingly relied on them to handle the affairs of state.

17) Vergara hired directors that would be in charge of handling business affairs .

18) Day-to-day affairs are handled by the Executive Director and Assistant Directors.

19) The entire state is divided into municipalities, which handle all local government affairs .

20) The Congress tried to handle administrative affairs through legislative committees, which proved inefficient.

21) Under Charles VII, a subcouncil appeared to handle particularly contentious judicial affairs .

22) Thereafter the western occupying powers and Russia handled economic affairs in their zones independently.

23) Local affairs are handled in a manner similar to town meetings in colonial America.

24) We independently handle military-to-military affairs , balancing national interests, regional interests and global interests.

25) The Policy Board and the Management Committee handles the affairs of the league.

26) An inquiry was carried out, on how the Central Bank handled the affair .

27) Denmark exercises hegemonic influence in the Danish Realm, devolving powers to handle internal affairs .

28) Mr Theo Simpson, the senior partner, personally handled Miss Needham's affairs .

How to use handle affair in a sentence

29) And what do you thing of the way Arthur Scargill has handled the affair ?

30) Let us heed Paul when he teaches every congregation how they are to handle financial affairs .

31) Lincoln averted British recognition of the Confederacy by skillfully handling the Trent affair in late 1861.

32) A 20-seat Legislative Assembly is elected by the people every four years to handle domestic affairs .

33) Both Muslim and other Chinese resented the arrogant way foreigners handled Chinese affairs , rather than religion.

34) The CBCP is divided into various commissions and departments charged to handle the affairs of the episcopal conference.

35) The way the Iraq thing was handled was not unlike the way Fudge handled affairs in book four.

36) A full-time, appointed village manager handles day-to-day community affairs ; the first was Max Vogel in 1967.

37) The adjudicator will consider complaints about the way in which the Revenue has handled someone's tax affairs .

38) As heads of state they commanded the army, presided over the Senate and assemblies and handled foreign affairs .

39) Hunt obtained a Covert Security Approval to handle the firm's affairs during Mullen's absence from Washington.

40) The interior ministry was responsible for policing and security while the weaker ministry of justice handled judicial affairs and prisons.

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