
grant autonomy in a sentence

1) Some selected provincial enterprises were granted autonomy in foreign trade decisions.

2) The undergraduate courses are granted academic autonomy by the university.

autonomy collocations
3) In 1991 the Crimea was granted autonomy.

4) It was granted autonomy in 2009. .

grant autonomy example sentences

5) November 25 – Spain grants Puerto Rico autonomy.

6) Britain granted autonomy to the Maldives in 1965.

7) The autonomy granted under the Sixth Schedule was not adequate.

8) A similar statute granted autonomy to the Basque Country.

9) Puerto Rico's autonomy is granted by Congress.

10) Still, no autonomy was granted to the Assyrians.

11) The treaty called on the Porte to grant the Greeks autonomy.

12) Every state was granted autonomy in its own affairs as was each registered assembly.

13) Italy officially granted autonomy after the war, but gradually occupied the region.

14) It also granted more autonomy to townships, villages, towns and cities.

example sentences with autonomy

15) The second step would be to grant Palestinians autonomy mainly on those municipal matters.

16) Measures affecting higher education saw the universities granted greater autonomy in running their own affairs.

17) In 1986, Aruba was granted autonomy, separately from the other islands.

18) First, the new constitution grants the military relative autonomy over its own affairs.

19) Barbosa expected the American government to grant Puerto Rico autonomy if they gained control.

20) Unlike most other states, significant autonomy is granted to many of Maryland's counties.

21) Formerly the universities were granted considerable day-to-day autonomy within a legal framework shaped byu the state.

22) The PNG government has not recognized Bougainville sovereignty, but has granted autonomy to Bougainville.

23) This granted some autonomy to the city: in particular the right to levy taxes.

24) Eastern Rumelia was granted some autonomy in 1878, rebelled and joined Bulgaria in 1885.

25) Many Serbs migrated with their hierarchs to Habsburg Monarchy where they had been granted autonomy.

26) The new amendments aimed to decentralize the country by granting greater autonomy to republics and provinces.

27) Some autonomy was granted to Slovakia and to Carpathian Ruthenia in the new republic.

How to use autonomy in a sentence

28) Spartans sent an ultimatum demanding that Thebes grant autonomy to the other Boeotian "poleis".

29) Russia first invaded in 1994, withdrawing after a deal for increased autonomy was granted in 1996.

30) The rebels demanded that Geoffroy be made duke, thus guaranteeing the autonomy granted by the charter.

31) Crimea was granted a new constitution in 1998, which granted lesser autonomy than the previous one.

32) It could also confirm there will be referendums on granting some autonomy to the eastern regions.

33) Ludwig the Fat, Emperor responsible for granting autonomy to the Halflings of the Moot.

34) The Congress party has been intrinsically hostile to the idea of granting more autonomy to Jammu u0026 Kashmir.

35) However, police restrictions on his activities would not be dropped until provincial autonomy was granted in 1937.

36) In 1977, French Polynesia was granted partial internal autonomy; in 1984, the autonomy was extended.

37) Full autonomy was granted by the United Kingdom parliament with the Statute of Westminster in December 1931.

38) According to the provisions of the treaty, the Ottoman Empire had to grant autonomy to Serbia.

39) North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore were also granted some autonomy unavailable to the states of Malaya.

40) However, the new states were also granted some autonomy unavailable to the original nine states of Malaya.

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