
grade average in a sentence

1) Is there a minimum grade average or class rank expectation for applicants?

2) grade average: For admission a minimum of 75% CGPA.

average collocations
3) grade average: We ask for a GPA of 3.4.

4) Einstein passed the exam in fourth place with a grade average of 4.91.

grade average example sentences

5) At Master level admission is based on the grade average at the Bachelor level.

6) She has also made straight A's since kindergarten and has a 4.0 grade average.

7) This forms the Yearly grade average ("Media Generala").

8) While at Columbia in 1921, Hughes managed to maintain a B+ grade average.

9) No points are assigned, and the pass is not counted toward the pilots landing grade average.

10) During that period, only five students have graduated from Reed with perfect 4.0 grade averages.

11) Satisfactory completion of a minor requires completion of 20 credits of coursework with a minimum grade average of 2.0.

12) Ashour, one of six siblings taught by her parents, completed high school with a 4.0 grade average.

13) Add your grade average (called your "mention" in French) only if it is remarkably good.

14) grade average: The programme seeks students with excellent academic records and who are able to handle heavy course loads.

example sentences with average

15) That means that typically grade averages are not comparable betweens schools or even between different teachers in the same school.

16) The school recommended that Larry not return after failing to maintain the necessary grade average during his first two semesters.

17) Ideally, an officer will display a progression "from left to right" in both promotion category and grade averages.

18) In 2006, however, the Administration of the College dropped the admission requirements to a 60 per cent highschool grade average.

19) I am currently enrolled as a second semester freshman at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey with a 3.0 grade average.

20) Dean seemed to adjust to the change, kept a good grade average and was described by teachers as being polite and well-behaved.

21) There were very small scholarship awards to be earned at Purdue; if you made a high point grade average you got – I don't know – $25 refunded on your tuition or something.

22) Students who earned a cumulative grade average of 90 or better in their core courses for the first quarter were invited to attend and enjoy free ice cream sundaes served up by staff members.

23) All members, whether on the Fitness Team or Travel Team, must maintain a certain grade average and display appropriate behavior both in and out of school.

24) In case of a failing grade average of 75 or under on any given Course you will be requested to take that particular Course again at no extra charge.

25) Graduate students must have completed seven semester hours of graduate course work with a minimum grade average of 3.25 on a 4.0 point scale, or have been eligible as an undergraduate.

26) The first 4.1miles are a steady uphill grade averaging 3% (673ft of elev gain and 17ft of elev loss) followed by another 6.9miles of rollers which average 1.6% downhill.

27) It is only 1.2 mi to the summit, but it climbs 1280 ft in that distance, giving much of the trail a steep grade averaging 35% .

28) In knowing defeat in combat exercises, high distinction (he says his grade average are AAA+), and completed the replication of book burning at a rate far exceeding the expectations of Kimberley.

29) The number of cases for each grade averages around 700, with over 2,000 college freshmen and about 300 for each of the other college years.

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