
get the axe in a sentence

1) the employee and the social media company both got the axe.

2) the extra buttons and navigation elements usually get the axe.

axe collocations
3) So who gets the axe, then?

4) Which of our favorite haunts got the axe besides Luskan?

get the axe example sentences

5) Vodpod and Posterous are also getting the axe in this version .

6) As a result, sometimes – quite unfortunately – a legitimate comment unintentionally gets the axe.

7) If anything, it may tip him off that heâs about to get the axe.

8) Also, if two orbits cross how do you decide which planet candidate gets the axe?

9) One day later Luxemburgo got the axe and was replaced with Juan Ramón López Caro.

10) However, rumors were also rampant that "House Calls" was getting the axe that spring.

11) That's what they always say at my company when one of the top brass gets the axe.

12) Either way, after Olby gets the axe you'll still have the tranny at 9pm to cry for you.

13) They are removing a lot of other tanks raid utility, so this won't be as important balance wise moving forward, but I'd still like to see Bloodworms get some love or get the axe.

14) With the members scattered between Texas, California and Illinois and a Don Caballero distance project unlikely, the band's summer tour has already gotten the axe.

example sentences with axe

15) This year the Mets stunk up the place in the first half of the year, resulting in manager Willie Randolph getting the axe.

16) If any state is going to have and actually carry out executions (unlike say, California, where you're more likely to die on death row than get the axe,) then they all need to have it.

17) I'm sure that it will only be the worker bees that get the axe, not the foolish "managers" who drove the company into the ground.

18) One thing is certain and that is that some of your people who do not jazz it on Tuesday night (if there be any) will get the axe.

19) Jenn Rook, whose son Karter is a sophomore on the team, was waiting outside the school the night he and his teammates got the axe.

20) Then again someone who commits murder in the 1 st should not be in prison for 15-20 years before they get the axe either.

21) And then of course, guys like Avant who have been so good when called upon, may get the axe cause he's not the "star".

22) Help me find the motivation to spend time learning a Mozilla language and develop a program with it when so many of its projects just get the axe when they lose their shine .

23) Even 0 07 Legends, which was highly anticipated, turned out to be a let down, which is why the James Bond series might be the first of the licensed games to get the axe.

24) Ilir Latifi - It's kind of funny that a guy that's only been on the roster for one day wouldn't be a candidate for getting the axe right away, but the UFC loves guys that take fights on short notice.

25) Your only defense is to get the axe that the first throws at you and to throw it back (and retrieve it) at any dwarf you see, until it is dead.

26) More than 600 will get the axe","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1038903135},

27) "Making the call – Donnie Ballgame will get the axe tomorrow," the scout said.

28) " That report comes on the heels of Mike Woodson getting the axe as Knicks head coach, so it's somewhat topical.

29) " He said that he had lost 5,000 euros on the machines and was so angry he just went home got the axe and decided to vent his frustration on them.

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